Mythos Folk Crests & Flags

... united, Mythos Folk proudly display their Clan heritage through a runic script of silken threads!

"Once the written form of the Folk language evolved from the original interpretive Mystus Imudi, each Clan contributed enscripted sigils, forming the original glossary of their written language. The Mythos Folk adopted a form of fundamental runic script, known as Falc'ed, or "Folk Word". Using this collective language, Myst & Myth Folk advanced their understanding of communication. Age-old misunderstandings were bridged with the one thing their civilization needed to progress: recorded language."
~ excerpt, notes, exploring the Mystus Imudi & Falc'ed languages,
Elsie Mylee Gates, Mythologist

Flags, crests, and insignias often appear at Mythological sites, marking their presence in ancient icy stone passages with Icing Silk banners, a material immunizing cold to cloth. Mythos Folk heraldries hung above Clan-Domes. Pilgrims and nomads often used them to mark important sites and left signs for others with the Folk Word runes.

Badge of Unity

"Folk Honor" Crest

Silk used clothing and padding found in ancient burrows includes blue and pink cloth with patterns and sigils that tell not only through the color associations, the Clan, but it tells whether the cloth belonged to a Myst or Myth Folk. Above the passages to their homes, tapestries (and their positioning) signified their loyalty to Blood and Clan.

History & Significance

Mythos Folk wear ritualistic tribal markings, heralded from the ancient traditions of their ancestor Deities. Beneath the eyes, around the arms, and neck, are all favored locations for various tattoos or pledges of honor. Masks, sashes, and flags were made to bear these ancestral marks. Having them close is said to grant their protection, and keeping it clean promotes good health for the Clan it represents. Bestowing one upon someone during certain rites grants them an honorary title within the Clan, chosen by the ritual leader.

"Broa" Clan Markings

A sign of good will in times of stress is to offer either a Clan cloth or to cleanse someone's cloth, but this is usually only done by close family members or friends. A designated member was often known as the Flag-Bearer and either carried it into battle, out to sea, or kept it protected at home.

One of the earliest forms of Magic were variations of the Magemark spells. Taught amongst the Clan members and officials, these types of Spells allowed the Mythos Folk to energize silken glyphs.


Legends & Myths

" There are many Source languages: the Sijiqon, for example, uses interpretation and the natural ambient noise to convey telepathic mental images and phonetics; fascinating! But, Mythos Folk "Imudi" is much different. In a cold environment, there wasn't much personal space between related members; embracing one another was often a means to maintain warmth. This language used touch- by either transmitting meaning through touching oneself within certain ranges or by closing and touching another. Draped by inherited blankets and shared cloaks, Mythos Folk were united in one thing: braving the Ice Age, as one.
~ excerpt, notes, exploring the Mystus Imudi & Falc'ed languages,
Elsie Mylee Gates, Mythologist

Onagi of the Mysts & Vavaya of the Myths are the parental, ascendant Deities of the collective Mythos Folk: (Myst & Myth Folk). They were said to live over 500K yrs before they were called to ascend to the Starbound Heavens. After 30K yrs of disagreements between themselves and their lineages, the Clans of the Mythos Folk were divided by miscommunications and grievances.
The Deities taught the progenitors, Onagi & Vavaya, separate languages for interpreting the World; one of math & one of empathy. This basis for their primitive language, collectively called Mystus Imudi, used touch and sight alone to convey messages. Another 20K yrs of this communication left the Myst & Myth Folk distressed, miserable, and unsettled.

Coat of Consensus

Mythos Folk Pride

Evolution of the Mythos-Body language adapted words, sometimes left in the ice and snow, and it was taught early to children. As it was often printed on bedding and clothing, it was easy for the Mythos Folk to eventually begin associating the signs with the meanings. Miscommunications naturally diminished as the language now had sight, sound, and touch; understanding was conveyed within the merger of the original languages and the progression of the new word system. Identity were being firmly established.

This language is credited to the Deities; settling their discrepancies after 50k yrs. Incorporating structure, the Falc'ed allowed new generations to pass their memories through the Ice Cores.

As it relates to the ultimate unification of the Myst & Myth Folk Clans into the singular, Mythos Folk, cloth and padding had become increasingly significant items of trade as winter weather progressed. As one of the sacred gifts to Onagi from Vavaya, she bestowed a gift known as the Coat of Consensus. Onagi would shortly return this gift to all the peoples of the Mythos Folk-Clans. Eventually, it is believed to have been one of the relics taken aboard the ancient sea-faring vessel, Nevresanephr; the exact qualities of this magical item have been lost to time.

All that is known is that anyone, be they a noble or beggar, were allowed to find comfort and warmth swaddled within the Coat of the Community. It was available- be they Myst or Myth Folk, each were welcome to unite beneath the Coat's fold, providing warmth from layers of snow in a dismal Ice Age.

Mythos Folk Colors

White, Grey, or Gold
Myst Folk (Blue)
Myth Folk (Pink)

Item Type


Item Category
Cultural Item
Item Dimensions
  • Length: Un Varies
  • Width: Um Varies
  • Weight: Ub Varies

Unit Reference
"Units" are measurements, defined by length, width, and weight. A whole Unit is denoted with an "Un" and represents 1 whole measured "Unit" (equivalent to the average length of a forearm). A "Micro-Unit" is denoted with a "Um" in measurements and is the size of an index finger bone. 10 Micro-Units make 1 Un. To measure weight, Unit Burden is calculated relative to the weight of an adult fist. Total Units are measured using decimals.

Enchanter's Sodor
Icing Silk Thread
Cloth Patches or
Icing Silk Patches

Material: Icing Silk

Enchanter's ID #42

Liquid "Ice" &
Icing Spider's Silk

  • "Hydrophobic" Fibers
  • Resists Heat & Cold
  • Great Rope or Cloth

Material Base Cost
TBD Casho


Rarity Regional
Minas, Majas Polas
Demographic Mythos Folk

Base Price
TBD Casho




  • Ao & Mystendr, deities
  • Onagi & Vavaya, deities
  • Pradei & the 7 Nephrei, deities
  • Mythos Folk, sentient species
  • Giant Folk, sentient species
  • Folk Lore, document
  • Falc Idros, condition
  • Folk Crests & Flags, cultural item
  • Iceshard Compass, unique tool
  • Folk Language & Music, language
  • Mystic Oar, weapon & tool
  • Think Point, legendary weapon
  • Ice Core, magical tool
  • Mist-Veil Lantern, magical tool
  • Snow Globe, magical container
  • Chillweave Prosthetic, magical graft
  • Icing S. String Harp, m. instrument
  • Mythos Society, organization
  • Mythologian, profession
  • Alchemical "Ice",alchemical material
  • Chillweave, enchantment material
  • Icing Silk, craft material
  • Mythic Sauna Stone, craft material
  • Tundra Bottan, craft material
  • T-Bottan Studded Bedding, condition
  • Icing Orb-Weaver, species
  • Misty Mountains, location
  • Orion's Band, location
  • Broamede, vehicle
  • Boba Ert, vehicle
  • Nevrasenephr, vehicle


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Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- avid enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; also, an aspiring Author, Game Developer, & World- Builder with over 15 years dedicated to the crafts!

My mission is to push the boundaries of interactive Story-Telling! Whether exploring Hidden Realms or seeking Epic Adventures, you'll find me there! My hopes are to invite readers into a World of unforgettable experience!

"Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!

I'm also the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders!! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents! We don't boast- we Celebrate!

"Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new worlds, unlock hidden truths, and explore the heights of your own boundless imagination- with friends!

We are looking for new members! If you're interested, just lmk below! It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Best of Good Luck, World-Builders! Let's meet again! : D



Author's Notes

I had some difficulty with this one. Deciding the prompt was one thing- the other is the associations. I realized that talking about colors and flags could be an issue, but ultimately, it is a fantasy representation of a species. I personally enjoy the blue and pink color palette! I'll eventually write an Article for the Mythos Folk, describing why these colors are important, individually! They are most certainly in my WIP section! Myst & Myth Folk are quite interesting as a species group! It's been fun exploring their history and expanding the "iceberg" of the Ice Age, so to speak! ^^

I decided, even though I got to touch on the language, the inclusion of the "Coat of the Community", and Clan associations would make this a perfect "Pride" entry for the 24 Cabinet of Curios! Time is running out, so I must make haste in writing my target prompts! : O

Fun Fact: Mythos Folk weren't part of my original base races, when considering this for a TTRPG! ^^ That happened because of WA! Thank you, WA community at large! Let's "light up the forge"! SUPER! ^^


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