Elsie Mylee Gates Character in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Elsie Mylee Gates

... an intrepid Adventurer who stops at nothing to reveal historic truths!

Expert, Historian & Mythologist

"Don't get in that woman's way. Rumor and mystery clings to her like the stench of death! I know she might dress oddly, but that is the "Rogue Scholar", make no mistake! There are Empires who wish to see her imprisoned, but none who hound her have claimed the bounty! I hear that her activities are protected by the Sovereign, and that she has wealth that people like you and me can only dream of! Of course, I heard that was stolen as well! A woman like that is too dangerous for her own good; the way she dances around morality and accountability is unprecedented! Instead, she is applauded! She is a thief of history who leaves behind dubious rumors in her passage. The WAIVCasters promote her as some kind of "Curator of Hidden Truths", but I say, it depends on who you ask! She shouldn't be given a Scrivener!"
— conversation between Drakkan sailors of the SS Horn

Elsie Mylee Gates has spent her life in the pursuit of truth, knowledge, and wealth. Not monetary wealth- Elsie is an avid collector of rare and unusual Artifacts. Once a trusted Historian of the Mythos Society, her field of expertise is in "Mythologos" or the study of the Mythic Epoch. Elsie's adventures have taken her all over the world, to locations that others can only dream of!
After spending her young adulthood constantly on the run from one trouble or another, Elsie Mylee earned a reputation as an instigator and rabble rouser. Quick to dispute and discourse, Elsie often uses provocative language when dealing with others. While this makes her seem standoffish, she is sincerely passionate about facts, transparencies, and historical truth.

It is her unyielding curiousity and devotion to the truth of stories that keeps her on an unconventional and morally ambiguous paths. A mix of her reputation and devotion to her studies often leaves her alone. While the World may perceive her as a "Rogue Scholar", Elsie Mylee maintains a strong moral compass in her pursuit of restoring truth and justice to the historical landscape.

Physical Characteristics

Elsie spent much of her youth training for gymnastics competitions. Her father was strict, often determining the routine of her day before she had even awoke. As such, she developed a strong, athletic, and flexible body. As part of daily training, she spends quality time devoted to physical exercise or discipline training. Her favorite activity is cross country jogging. Elsie is possessed of a statuesque form honed from posture training.
Elsie's eyes are a beautiful, honey tone of hazel. Her dishevelled, dark brown, short and curly auburn hair voluminously bounces when she walks. Constantly pondering, her expression always makes her seem like there is a deep question on her mind. However, when the topic changes to facts or history, her expression fixates upon the speaker. When she smiles, her lips pout towards the object of her interest.

Apparel & Accessories

Elsie often purchases masculine styles of clothing. Jackets are her favorite article; she elegantly dresses for any occasion with the right jacket. Whether she's travelling abroad or lounging at her manor, Elsie is never without a jacket. Stylish, round black glasses, golden circlet earrings, and long, sleek black gloves complete her attire.

In addition, she constantly wears an "Exo-Suit" beneath her clothing, as if it were a second skin. Elsie communicates using a WAIV/ COMMsthat has been safeguarded from signal interception. She carries a leather knapsack, complete with her Mythologist's Toolkit- a collection of personal tools she gathers for excavations.
Elsie Mylee's Inventory

  • +1 Leather "Exo-Suit" (Armor Rating AR+4). Constantly provides a Status effect, informing her of her vitals (HP & Physical Conditions). In addition, it protects her from the harmful temperatures of harsh environments (but not damage from those elemental types, Fire & Cold. Material resists both).
  • Leather Knapsack-
    Portal Pocket
  • Draconic Spade
  • Rope, 50ft. (hemp, braided)
  • Grappling Hook
  • Canteen (Water)
  • Mess Kit
  • Survival Rations x1 Day
  • Gold-Plated Lighter
  • Glasses Case & Eye Drops
  • Hand Soap & Towelettes
  • Travel Journal & Pen Case
  • Sacks & Containers
  • Mythologist's Toolkit
    • Hammer & Pick
    • Brush Kit
    • Screen & Bucket
    • Measuring Tape
    • Digging Tools & Trowel
    • Bag of Marbles, Samples & Stones
    • Acid Strips & Acid Vials x3 (1d4 damage)
    • Dispel Powder x2
    • Antique Abacyss
    • Spell Component Pouch
  • WAIV/Comm Apps
    • Camera
    • "Elsie's Playlist"
    • Compass
    • "Way-Finder"
    • Cartographer
    • Range & Slope-Finder
    • Time & Date- Weather
    • Note Application
    • Appraisal Medias
    • WAIV Auction House
  • WAIV/Turbo Charger
  • Scrivener


Mental Characteristics

"Many of you in this Court condemn me as a Vandal, a "Rogue Scholar". You can call me whatever you wish; it will not change the unfaltering course of history! Only liars and true "Rogues" attempt to obscure the narratives of a nation. As proof, I have brought with me, the "Ruthless Wand", which came under my care, for it could not be left to dwell in the hands of a deceitful Empire! Its true power and purpose lay obfuscated, hidden beneath layers of propaganda. In my hands, it is not a tool of destruction, but a key to unlocking the origins of ancient myths and legends! Before you can try me for this petty crime of theft, ask yourself which is worse: my crimes or a perpetuated fallacy? Listen, and decide for yourself the truth!"
— on trial, the case of Elsie Gates vs the Ur' Dracadian Empire
Elsie has a strong will which is resolute against fallacies. Constantly found debating with others, she discovered early in her youth that there were historical inaccuracies in several different periods. The questions that she has no answers to drives her to constant research and field trips to excavation sites and ancient ruins. This has led her into dangerous situations in the past, but Elsie is quite resourceful. Her intelligence, quick-wittedness, and unconventional problem-solving techniques makes her a formidable thinker and scholar. If she feels that a relic or artifact will uncover the answer to one of her questions, she will stop at nothing to pursue it; even if that means liberating it from a secure museum or tomb. On the other hand, Elsie is vehemently against excessive Grave-Robbing. If a relic is in the possession of a deceased tomb guardian, she may leave it behind, despite its probable value.


Elsie is a risk-taker, assessing her actions only after she has committed to them. It's not that she isn't prepared; on the contrary, Elsie is often prepared for any inevitability, and it is this reason that allows her to be more direct and impulsive when decision-making. In most cases, she has already considered several factors towards success and failure. She moves as fast as her own thoughts, responding with celerity and poise to any threat or concern. Not much bothers Elsie, especially as it concerns people.
Most regard Elsie as cold, rigid, and stuffy, but when it comes to her passions, she is willing to share her knowledge with an excitable energy. Her hobbies include collecting various relics and artifacts for her many curios. An avid and obsessive collector, Elsie bargains and trades with other Mythologists, as to obtain a prized collection. Her income either pays for her excursions, or is donated to charities dedicated to alleviating poverty and hunger. Though removed from people, she cares about societies, in general.

Personal History

Elsie was born into the rich lineage of the Gates family. The nobility owned land titles in Ol' Garand, Ur' Draconia, and Ar' Dracadia. Growing up, she was persistently taught the Gates' family history; from humble beginnings as traders to their triumphs as Templars. By the age of ten, she knew each member's name, birthdate, obituary, and their significance in the Gates' family tree.

Elsie: Age 10

When a cryptic entry provoked Elsie to explore the Gates family history deeper, she discovered a conspiracy! She told her Father; unimpressed, he became an obstacle in her investigations. Father and Daughter were separated by intrigue; his position as a diplomat to the Ur' Draconian Empire was in peril, leaving her with the family's hideous secrets. Elsie moved beneath her Father's shadow.

Elsie's 1st Expedition: Age 17

Acquired: Dracadian Spade

Effective Character Level 2
"I will re-write the Gates family legacy, even if it will tarnish our pride! Does he have no regard for the truth of this matter?
— age 12, Elsie Mylee, formerly "Gates"
Unofficially, Elsie removed her last name, deciding that in the future, there will be a better time to be known as "Elsie Gates". Until then, she continued covertly studying the history, earning her contacts removed from the Gates family.

At 17, she graduated from her training academy and explored her first ruins: a section of the Ad-Anasian Highway. When she returned, her father had arranged for her to be wed to another nobleman's son. She was given one year before the conclusive date of her marriage.

On the day of her wedding, beneath a clear and beautiful sky, in front of both the Gates & Aleclier families, Elsie Mylee absconded with her Father's dowry. Seeking the help of a few classmates, they vowed to aid her- for a meager compensatory sum. She met them at Copaleila Bay, where they were rewarded. Elsie continued her quest to the Isles of El' Fadiel.

There, she finally met her mentor, a fellow Historian and Mythologist, an Elven Story-Teller, Mathal Courtsend. Through encrypted Elvish script and couriers, the two had spoke for several years since the incident between her father. She attended the Mythos Society, living off the dowry.

The Wedding: Age 18

Acquired: 300K Casho Dowry

Elsie Mylee spent most of her funds on the expenses of her attendance to the Mythos Society. When the Casho dwindled, she turned to the Dungeoneers- a Guild dedicated to the mercantile efforts of exploring and closing Dungeons. Naturally, this opportunity took her to unimaginable locations full of danger and mystery. Though she made new friends, she used the Dungeoneers to advance study of "Gates' Conspiracy".

Elsie: Dungeoneer Age 20

Effective Character Level 4
Elsie was a successful Dungeoneer, leading many expeditions into perilous Dungeons where her expertise proved invaluable. Her most fortunate foray was to ruins beneath Arches at the Crossroads; she returned with the "Ruthless Wand"- an enigmatic relic, connected to the past. Under coercion from her Father, Elsie had to leave the Dungeoneers; she refused to return the "Ruthless Wand" to the Ur' Draconian Empire.

Ruthless Wand: Age 25------------------Key Quest: Age 28

"A Draconian Relic of the Dark Dynasty, the "Ro'Avr Ingd" is unique; carved, of 10K year old Darkwood tree. Shod in Aurorium, and cast in suspicious iron, as I expected. Seems I'm one step closer to the "Gates Conspiracy." Father..."
— excerpt, research notes on the "Ruthless Wand", Elsie Mylee
Effective Character Level 5
Ruthless Wand
Ruthless Wand
+2 Heavy Mace* (1d10+PWR (*1.5 PWR, wielded 2 hands)/ Smashing Damage)
Spell Stacks: 2/3 Slots/ 1 Slot "Ruthless Wand"/ 1 Empty Slot/ 1 Empty Slot

This weapon acts similarly to a +2 Mace. It must be used in both hands as a melee weapon. It allows the wielder to harness any "cultural" or "bloodline" magic item, that may require a bloodline in order to activate. This includes: Elves, Dragons, "Drakan", Sijinn, Humans, and the Myst & Myth Folk. In addition, whenever this item is within 30ft. of ancient creatures or their fossil remains, (and the wielder is unaware of their presence), it will alert the owner by weeping red blood from beneath the head of the wand. Coating one's hand in the blood allows one to use magic related to those peoples. Attacks dealt to the above species are treated as though the Ruthless Wand were +4 and bypasses any natural damage resistances.

It can open and close portals (magic or mundane), sealing or barring entries; it can also trigger certain traps. It can be used to command ropes or chains within the owner's possession, creating a Spell-Stack on the object, and animating it at the owner's will. This effect can be used 3/day and is considered separately "Charged" from the following effect.

It has the capacity to channel a user's pain into an equal and volatile Arcane energy- able to shatter objects or damage people. Miraculously, the Ruthless Wand can heal as well, but only those that it has already broken. It'll restore the person or object to the state it was in before the Ruthless Wand caused damage, restoring that much HP. It will not heal the damage sustained from other wounds.

The user may use this ability once per encounter, but must succeed on a ranged touch attack (30 ft. Line of SIght). Consider the difference between your total HP and your current HP. This is the amount of damage that is dealt if the attack succeeds. The user's current HP is always factored when calculating this effect, regardless of where the damage came from or when it was sustained.

Building "Charges" within the Wand deals 1d10 damage to the wielder, but will never kill the owner (reducing their HP to 1). If the owner is at 1 HP, Charges can't be built in the wand. The owner may build 5 superficial Charges in this manner. The damage dealt by this wand- either to the user or its target- can't be mitigated. It can be healed, however.

At-will, the "Ruthless Wand" creates torch light or absorbs light within 15 feet of the user (20ft. illumination the user is not immune to darkness caused by this effect. and protects the wielder from Dragon's Breath or Mystic Breath attacks. Any allies behind the user are also protected, as it provides "Cover". Lastly, the Ruthless Wand has been enchanted.

Elsie has drawn out the item's personal Loci- an object spirit formed of certain specific properties, that can materialize and take on the physical traits of the item it is formed from, as well as previous owners, combining their essences into a unified form. Elsie calls it "Ro' Avr", the Draconic word for "Ruthless".

The item Persona, Ro' Avr, appears in a twin jagged, inverted triangular cloak of dark scarlet hued scales. Two golden, symmetrical horns emerge from the center of its headless body. Two Draconic Heads form around its dark legs, engulfing them in red and gold flames. Two humanoid arms emerge from orbital, blood-filled vessels floating around the Loci. The arms are marked in tribal tattoos from the Mythic Epoch. Though it is as cruel as its name implies, Ro' Avr was awakened by Elsie's own feelings of remorse regarding her lineage. It is loyal and protects her from harm; if it is destroyed in the process of doing so, it provides 1 "Charge" and can't be used in this manner again for the rest of the encounter. It acts as a small Construct and can be used to "Attack" on any turn Elsie could attack an enemy. In combat, this effectively gives Elsie a 10 ft. Reach, but she may risk harming the Loci. It deals damage as the weapon in this form.

In this regard, it can be used to locate hidden items and relics from the ancient past. If the object came from the Dracadian Age or earlier, the Ruthless Wand can inform the owner. Similarly to the unusual method it uses to warn the owner about intruders of ancient lineages, the blood imparted is cold whereas ordinarilly, it would be warm. Ro' Avr is able to leave the confines of the wand up to 10ft.

Narrative History
"Ruthless Wand"
Brief History of the "Ruthless Wand"
" A Narrative Perspective w/ Mythologist Elsie Mylee & Dungeoneer Rand Alecleir"
"Known to Draconians and the Dracadians as the "Ro'Avr Ingd" in Druunic script, this relic initiated the Draconic Epoch, ended the Draconian Age, and began the Dracadian Age. In the Dark Dynasty that engulfed the Draconian Age, the Ur' Khans, most trusted of the Dragon Conqueror's elite Drughof, used it both in servitude of the Ur' Empire and its eventual decline, into a true "Dark" Age. The Draconians omit this from history- another comedic, elaborate attempt at Dabhuki. Both the Draconians and the Dracadians avoid accountability and proliferate half-truths around the Ruthless Wand. The truth of this weapon is neither created it- they borrowed it. To reveal its hidden lore, we must dig deeper- into the "Mythic Epoch!"

"Really, you don't have to; not like this..." before another utterance, Elsie continued, ignoring Rand's statement.

" During the 124th Generation of the Mythic & Mystic Folk, the skirmishes between these two groups forced a magical arms race. The Ice Cores from the era are badly damaged- but from my correspondences through the Mythos' Society, I determined that a similar relic was held by the Nagasi of that time. It had multiple purposes but it was thought to ward away evil spirits and their curses. It worked when members of the numerous Clans came together to share their grief. That means this is actually the fabled, "N"!"

"Ok. Say you're right about this thing's origins; is that reason enough to make yourself the public enemy of an entire nation?" Rand attempted to negotiate, "It's a huge cost to be right." He closed his eyes, shook his head and shrugged, "I feel you may be short-sighted."

Fixing Rand in her glare, she spoke, "Something has happened that I can't fully explain! I'm not short-sighted; I'm blinded, Rand!" Elsie's eyes simmered with a cool, distant expression, "The History of Pathon is shrouded in rumors, half-truths, and rabbit holes... You can't trust the WAIV Archives- or any archives! Beyond even the Pantheon's Miracles, the course of Pathon has been altered; I have to understand! How did it happen? When did it start to occur? Where does Gates fit into all of it?"

"You're doing it again," Rand offered.

Elsie sniffed once, then pointed to the wand, " With "Ro'Avr's" aid, I've located 7 fragments of a key. Rand, I've found the first piece to unravel the puzzle, and with your help, we'll secure the second. Some of these locations concern me; the "Nephasanevr" hasn't been seen in eons. Though I admit, I feel as driven as holy Hoqon, chasing the pieces of Oah's Heart across the Outer Worlds!"

"Yea, right, Nephasanevr", holy Hoqon... what does this have to do with Casho?"
/ a clandestine meeting, Elsie Mylee to a tired Rand Aleclier
With the "Ruinous Wand" firmly within her grasp, Elsie was poised to reveal deeper truths connected to the Gates family. Unlocking its forbidden magic, Elsie located 7 fragments of a broken key. She suspects the key pieces will unlock a hidden chamber within the Gates Estate, deep inside the heart of the Ur' Dracadian Empire. Elsie spent three years collecting 2 of the broken pieces.

At 28, Elsie Mylee seeks the remaining 5 shards of the "Mythos Key", avoiding death and intrigue as best as she can. She purchased a fortified manor, which had been traded to the Courtsends by her Father. There, she hones her skills in pursuit of past truths and the key to the "Gates Conspiracy".

Social Profile

"I've never known her to have many friends. I'm probably the closest thing she has to a "friend", and that's stretching. She's much too fussy and busy for relationships. It's unfortunate... once you get to know her, she's absolutely stunning. Of course, that's just another tool in her kit. It's best to keep it professional with Elsie Mylee."
— Rand Alecleir, on his association with Elsie Mylee
Elsie spent most of her life absorbed by the Gates family. While she learned the social ettiquete and graces of the Nobility, she didn't maintain many friendships or relationships within her family. Most of her affiliations are professional.
As she moved between Instructors and classes, she met Guy and Rand, who helped her escape the trap of nobility. Others aided her into the Mythos Society, where she developed few colleagues and many rivals. She graduated at 25 with honors.


Mathal Courtsend

Mathal Courtsend, a Court Historian of the High Elves of Renes Loth; an isle of El' Fadiel. The Elven family, "Courtsend", are well-known as Couriers, but he spent his life as an Elven Ambassador. As the Court Historian, he has dutifully kept the family record for over 8K years and written many books to that regards. One of these led to his future correspondence with Elsie Mylee, who spent 2 years studying with him. He helped Elsie unlock her latent potential as a Caster and encouraged her to join the Mythos' Society. Mathal and his 8th wife, Tavessa, continue to support Elsie by providing her with information or a place to stay while she is abroad.

Guy Zep

"Guy" is a Gnomish Inventor- the son of a merchant family from the Floating Isles. He was given the opportunity to study abroad. Attending academy as a young Noble cadet, he met Elsie, who was also defiant of the conventional artistocratic order. Both had dreams outside of their families- for Guy, it was simply to build neat inventions. Of those, he built Elsie's "Exo-Suit". He was also accompliced in helping her escape her marriage by providing the Platformer they used to escape the wedding. Guy spends his days advancing his inventions, collections, and experimenting with new technologies. A spiritual epiphany led him to research object Loci, which proved valuable to Elsie's research.

Rand Aleclier

Rand Aleclier and Elsie Mylee have been acquainted since they were children. Growing together, he became familiar with her dreams and family life. At 15, the two were told that they would be wed, as a means of establishing a lineage bond. Much like Elsie, he didn't want to be married before he had a chance to chase his dreams. Rand wanted to be a Dungeoneer; thus, he and Elsie plotted against their families and with Guy's help, stole the dowry and avoided the wedding. Later, he would convince Elsie into joining the Dungeoneers, in order to maintain her tuition to the Mythos' Society. Rand continues to support Elsie's goals, even after she left the Dungeoneers.

Bolfa Kula

Bolfa Kula is a Myst Folk, inhabitants of the Majas Polas. She joined the Dungeoneers as a means of supporting her family through an ordeal. By sending them Casho, Bolfa provide them with monetary needs. When she met Elsie, she couldn't be rid of her. Bolfa inevitably answered her questions surrounding Myth Folk and her family history; in return, she was rewarded with Elsie's loyalty. Bolfa and Elsie often traveled to visit the Kula clan, where Elsie provided charitable donations. Elsie's sincere interest in the lore of her people has always given their relationship a healthy level of rapport. Bolfa Kula is a Shaman who uses her magic to protect Elsie and the Dungeoneers.


Mythos Society

An Organization that is dedicated to the collection and preservation of fossil history related to the Ancient Eras- particularly, those of the Mythic, Saurian, and Draconic Epochs, the pre-history of Pathon. Built by Mythologists, they are dedicated to exploring Pathon's past.

Dungeoneer's Guild

The Dungeoneers are a Guild dedicated to the exploration and closure of Dungeons. They oversee the balance of commerce that dungeons tend to create. Their priority is protecting others from dangers that arise and escape the Dungeons- portals that lead to strange dimensions.

Elsie Mylee's social prowess and genuine warmth have left an indelible mark on the lives of those fortunate enough to cross her path. Her unwavering dedication to fostering meaningful connections has made her a beloved figure to her few closest friends. Elsie's affiliation with various organizations and her active involvement in their communities exemplify her commitment to bringing people together. While she is misunderstood by the World, those closest to her understand that she is a hard-working and committed individual, with an earnest desire for equilibrium and justice.

Elsie Mylee Gates

Physical Traits

  • Race: Human
  • Class: Expert
  • Class/ Level: Expert/ 5th
  • Effective Character Level: 5th
  • Arc Rank:
    (Covert 4/ Casting 1)
  • Arc Prestige:
    Obtained ECL 6.
Androgyny, F-Dom
Auburn, Short Curly
Soft Hazel Brown
Skin Tone
Healthy Complexion
Height/ Weight
5'9"/ 135 lbs.
Body Type
Athletic, Osseous
Round Glasses
Sniffs the Air
Cleans her Glasses
Base Stats
Base Statistics/ Modifiers
  • Power/13+1
  • Vitality/13+1
  • Agility/16+3
  • Grace/16+3
  • Psyche/18+4
  • Spirit/13+1
HP: 35 / TP: 8 / Action Order + 4


Mental Traits

  • Bold Daredevil
  • Curious Scholar
  • Devil May Care
  • Risky Gambler
  • Focused Drive
  • Material Gains
  • Field Trips
  • Ancient Relics
  • New Discovery
  • Lack, Scarcity
  • Propaganda
  • Rumored Past
Chaotic Neutral, Moral Good

Academic Graduate
Arts & Hobbies
Curio Collections
Honest, Charitable
Obsessive, Wrathful
No Grave-Robbing

Personality Type
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging


Social Traits

*Goddess of Abundance
Dungeoneers, Historians
Upper Echelon
Nobility, Upper
Moderately Wealthy
"Better to have it than need it!"
"Luck favors the opportunistic!"
"My wealth is from romantic pursuits!"
— Elsie Gates
Speaks: Common, Draconic, Runic, Mythic, Sijinn, Sijiqon, Elven (Regional).


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Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- avid enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; also, an aspiring Author, Game Developer, & World- Builder with over 15 years dedicated to the crafts!

My mission is to push the boundaries of interactive Story-Telling! Whether exploring Hidden Realms or seeking Epic Adventures, you'll find me there! My hopes are to invite readers into a World of unforgettable experience!

"Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!

I'm also the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders!! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents! We don't boast- we Celebrate!

"Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new worlds, unlock hidden truths, and explore the heights of your own boundless imagination- with friends!

We are looking for new members! If you have any questions or are interested in joining, consider letting me know in the comments below!

Best of Good Luck, World-Builders! Let's meet again! : D



Author's Notes

"Wow! Elsie Mylee Gates took a few days to write! But, this Article represents a huge leap in bounds from my initial understanding of CSS! I put a lot of work and words into it (5K+!) and I hope you enjoyed reading about this intrepid adventurer! She is a combination of Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, and Evelyn O' Carnahan (The Mummy & The Mummy Returns). It's also amazing how one Article can span so many different ideas! It will never cease to amaze me how expansive one Article can be- for any World or setting!

Elsie Mylee will continue to appear in Articles, as I start writing her next adventure, "Elsie Mylee & the Mythic Ark!" This is in response to the Curio Challenges, February 2024! Thank you WA for challenging and engaging me as a writer! : D Have fun and good day all!

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