The Explorer's Guild

Home to adventurers from across Runeterra, the Explorer's Guild is an organisation for those seeking to reveal and discover the worlds secrets. All sorts of members can be found here, ranging from thug-like treasure hunters too refined archaeologists. But they are all united in their cause for finding, and occasionally making history. It is a dangerous line of work, seeing as expeditions would take you too monster's lairs and hazardous caves and jungles... but the monetary rewards are second to none.
  The Guild recruits new adventurers by praising the glamourous lifestyle that they follow; fame, riches, even loyal followers. Blinded by these promises, naïve neophytes are quick to join the Guilds ranks. But in reality, most recruits live in poverty as they endlessly strive for that reward that never comes. But, there is still truth in the recruiters words. If an adventurer does in fact make a grand discovery, they are elevated to a higher Guild status that few are apart of.
  The primary base of the Explorer's Guild is found in Upper Piltover, with various other smaller guildhalls found in other cities. The task of the Piltover Guildhall is to collect funding for expeditions, monitor  active members, and acquiring and cataloguing artefacts from across all guildhalls. Artefacts are either displayed in museums, or studied if they hold certain historical or magical relevance.


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