Piltover (Pil-toe-ver)

Overlooking the ocean, the City of Progress controls the major trade routes between Valoran and Shurima, with dozens of ships passing through its docks in both the sea and air. Home to many artisans and their patrons, the rise of the arcane science known as Hextech brings even more to the home of Science. Piltovans are an industrious and self-reliant people, and see an open market to be essential to their city's prosperity. Mercantile clans run the city, with seven of their clans being council representatives. Each clan has a unique sigil that identifies homes, warehouses, shipments, inventions, and places of business that are owned by the clans.


Over three thousand years ago, the isthmus (A narrow strip of land with sea on either side, connecting two large land masses) between the northern continent of Valoran and the southern continent of Shurima had the city known as Zaun residing on it. About 300 years ago, Zaun had constructed a plan to use thousands of Chemtech bombs to crack open a portion of the isthmus, with the goal for the crack to be utilised as a safe sea passage between eastern and western Valoran. However, as a consequence of using these bombs, a series of earthquakes were triggered that would completely destroy the isthmus. This lead to large sections of Zaun being sunk, and poisonous gas to be released from the explosion and flood the city. Quick to act, a Spirit God arrived shortly after the explosion and used her affinity with wind and air to blow away the gas, preventing the people of Zaun from being killed off further. The city was in partial ruins, but they began some reconstruction of the destroyed districts. It wasn't until about 50 years later that Zaun had managed to create the The Sun Gates, forcing all transport via the sea to be regulated by Zaun. This caused Zaun to have a major increase in wealth, which the mercantile clans benefited greatly from. So greatly in fact, that with the help from a select few Zaun scientists, as well as some from other regions of Runeterra, parts of Zaun were elevated into a grander part of the city. This was known as Piltover.
  Over the next couple of hundred years, Piltover continued to advance, but was yet to make their mark on the map outside of being a trade route and profitable port town. That was until a young man, Jayce Talis, had been brought forward towards the The Council after Jayce's workshop had been blown up due to unauthorised research from Jayce and the interference of a group of Sumpsnipes from Zaun. Through a series of events, including expulsion from the Academy of Piltover and then further unauthorized research, Jayce got support from a Councilor, Mel Medarda, to develop his research into Hextech. Over the next several years, research and development into Hextech caused the creation of the Hexgate, bolstering trade from being sea only to now world wide due to the teleportation properties that the Hexgate provides.  


With the exception of sea fogs occasionally enveloping docks and warehouses, Piltover is relatively warm. Being a port city, Piltover gets many visitors and workers from around Runeterra; especially in its quayside, the docks and warehouses always having work for those with a strong back. A plethora of accents can be heard from anywhere in the area, and hundreds of ships of different flags pass through every day.
  Although there are many different nationalities throughout the city, you can still identify a regular Piltovans. They strive to make themselves better, and are not prone to accepting handouts. Because of this, they are actually quite averse to outsiders prying into their business even though they see hundreds every day. Piltovans have a strong believe that an open and free market is quintessential to their city's prosperity.



A day that Piltover has brought over from traditional Zaun, the Jubilee has been celebrated every four years since nearly the beginning of Zaun. The Jubilee is a show of gratitude to the sea and the bounty it brings. Now a days, it is more of an excuse for Piltover to partake in traditional festivities.

Progress Day

Traditionally used as a day that marked the opening of the Sun Gates, Progress Day now marks the time the Hexgates were first used a few years ago. Progress Day is a way for Piltovans to celebrate the city's technological progress, having several of the cities brightest minds showcasing their inventions, and said inventors have a chance of winning awards for their contribution to the city.

Roguery Night

Not an official holiday, but celebrated nonetheless, Roguery Night is a day where Piltover youths play practical jokes on their family and friends. So long as these jokes do not break laws, they are generally tolerated, although barely.  



A haven for pirates and reavers, Bilgewater is Runeterra's biggest and most well known black market, the city being tucked away in the Blue Flame Isle archipelago. The pirates found here often intercept many of the ships travelling to and from Piltover, stealing their riches to sell for themselves. Although they have taken a substantial hit from the opening of the Hex Gates, the lesser ports that the Hexgates will not operate in still uses ships to transport their goods, something Bilgewater values greatly.


In Piltover's early years, Demacia and Piltover had a friendly relationship as allies, with Demacia using Piltover's Sun Gates as trade routes. However, since the death of Demacia's King, the nation has become far more isolated. It remains as a Piltover ally, but now there are no official trade routes from Demacia to Piltover; this doesn't stop illegal trading between the two. The rise of Hextech has caused Demacia to be even more reserved of Piltover, and it is one of the only nations that the Hexgates are prohibited from operating in.


Ixtal has an unwelcoming disposition with Piltover, and really with most nations of Runeterra. In fact, Piltover has only recently learned the existence of Ixtal. For years, the Explorer's Guild underwent many expeditions into the Jungles of Ixtal, not to look for the city but simply to look for arcane or historical treasures. However, none of the expeditions ever returned, causing a growing interest in the jungle from the Guild. In recent years, Ixtal has revealed itself to Runeterra, and Piltover has yet to begin diplomatic relations.


Since the opening of the Sun Gates, Noxus relies heavily on the Sun Gates to connect their land in both Valoran and Southern Shurima. Being a neutral city, Noxus has infiltrated Piltover with many shadow agents, through Piltover to the Undercity, to make a possible invasion easier for them. However, thus far Noxus has held back on an invasion due to how valued Piltover is across Runeterra for its trade routes, and conflicts would surely arise from Piltover's allies. Noxus remains as a trading partner, even though Piltover sells any military goods to them at far higher rates than the rest of their allies. But since the development of Hextech, Noxus has taken a greater interest in the City of Progress.


Piltover has had ancient ties to Shurima, mainly from back when Piltover was simply Zaun. In modern times, Piltover has many trade relations with several cities of Shurima, and the Clans of Piltover have frequently exploited Shurima's natural resources. Including the discovery of the Hextech Crystals.


  • City of Progress,
  • Uppercity (in relation too Zaun)
  • Topside (in relation to Zaun)
  • Piltovan
  • Piltie (Informal)
  • Topsider (in relation to Zaun)


Primary: Velarian
Secondary: Oesish, Efric, Dulunian, Solerian


Aristrocratic Oligarchy (Ran by the Council of Mercantile Clans)


Attitute towards Magic: Forbidden/Destructive outside the use of Hextech
Level of Technology: High
Currency: Bronze Washers (Dukes), Silver Cogs (Princes), Golden Hexes (Kings)


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