Political event
Kaldar's implementation of a new global currency system- the gold piece- was controversial, but compared nothing to his next decision- to create a global language from the native languages of Valdur. Both the new currency and new language were vehemently refused and resisted across the Imperium. Dismayed, Amemnon decided to sign the Unity Accord, which legally forced these new systems upon all of his settlements.
Kaldar was working hard on globalising his cities. Instead of diverse city-states under one faction, in the 58th Millenium Kaldar begun an enormous campaign to globalise culture. He introduced the gold pieces currency into many cities- a currency that was before only used for international trades between Kaldar settlements- forcibly making previous currencies obsolete. This global currency saw Kaldar's economical control increase, which was protested by many, while celebrated by others, as it did bring stability to economically unstable regions. But the next choice was far more controversial. Late in the 58,000s, Kaldar devised a language, which was to be known as Common, based off of the most common native language of Valdur, with heavy modifications. He enforced the new language across many settlements, which was ferociously refused by many. Amemnon Kaldar was dismayed as both the new currency and the new language were vehemently refused in many of his cities. In 59,000, marking the new millenium, Kaldar signed the Unity Accord, which would legally enforce the new currency and language. It was enforced on an enormous scale and those that tried to stop it soon gave up. It was proof that individual city-states were helpless against the Imperium that they were now under the control of, and it showed just how much control Amemnon Kaldar had over the global cultures. Tragically, it meant that many languages simply dissapeared, and many cultures eventually dissapeared as the racial mixing and globalisation continued.