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Created by a deity or titan as their personal servitor or to rule over their domain, archangel's are immortal corporeal beings gifted with some amount of their creator's strength. Due to an archangel's ability to properly wield divine magic, they're often capable of feats just as miraculous as an actual deity or titan. As for arcane magic, an archangel's arcane attribute or attributes will nearly always be the same as their creator's, allowing them to use spells that their creator would normally use. Since the strength of an archangel relies so much on the strength of their creator, it is entirely possible for some archangels to be even stronger than the average deity.

Basic Information


Although an archangel's anatomy is entirely up to its creator, most archangels are created as bipedal primates of two to four meters in height with some form of wings extending from their shoulder blades allowing for natural, non-magical flight.

Genetics and Reproduction

Although it is extremely rare, archangels will sometimes reproduce and seeing as most archangels are bipedal primates, they generally reproduce through impregnation and then having the female carry the child, generally for around three to twelve years, before giving birth and raising the child. Of course, this is only the most common method of reproduction in archangels, however, since their forms can vary infinitely it has been known for some archangels to reproduce through the laying and hatching of eggs with some even through egg sacs.

Growth Rate & Stages

As an immortal being created for a specific purpose, archangels don't undergo any physical stages of growth or transformation, instead, they live out their potentially infinite existence in the same form that they started that existence in.
As for archangels that are born into the world through reproduction, the length of time that it takes them to age will vary greatly but on average their infancy will last six to twelve years, their childhood nine to eighteen years, their young adulthood twelve to twenty-four years and then at the age of fifty to one-hundred they will reach their prime and stop aging completely.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The food source of an archangel will vary greatly depending upon the form their creator gave them, their creators beliefs, and their own beliefs.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

As a directly created being, an archangel will believe heavily in their natural gender and as such will most always identify as one of the binary genders.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
2 - 4 meters

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