Demidivine Species in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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(Demititans, Demideities, Demiarchs and Demiangels)

Born of (or of the blood of) any divine entity with enough divinity, demidivine are corporeal, in some cases immortal, beings whose strength varies greatly depending on both pure chance, and which divine entity they get their divinity from. With some being as powerful as a deity and some no more powerful than the average of their species, demidivine differ from most divine entities in that, like angels, demidivine often have very limited access to divine magic and their arcane attribute (or attributes) are rarely dependent on the attributes belonging to the divine entity that they get their divine status from. Depending on the personality of the entity that they gained their divinity from, many demidivine will be chosen as scions for that divine entity and it's not unheard of for deities to choose demidivine to help rule over their domain with them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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