Chapter Three - The Demonic Hierarchy Document in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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Chapter Three - The Demonic Hierarchy

Detailing the different types of demonic entities and how they make up the demonic hierarchy.

The Demonic Hierarchy

The Devil Lords

The Devil Lords are the nine devils that each rule over one of the nine planes of Neffaerim. Generally considered to be equal in strength to the strongest of the gods, the Devil Lords are the penultimate rulers of their plane of Corraeim. It's nearly impossible to summon or form a pact directly with a Devil Lord.

Greater Devils

The Greater Devils are the ten devils that serve directly under each Devil Lord, making for a total of ninety greater devils. They help rule over their Devil Lord's plane of Corraerim and can, on occasion be summoned by or have a pact formed with a mortal.


As the first of demonkind born of UNNAMED TITANi, Devils are by far the most powerful and most intelligent type of demonkind.





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