Horu Species in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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  • Known for their arts and creative pursuits, musicians, painters, sculptors, etc.
  • feet and hands are for harvesting berries and fruit and navigating thorny underbrush and climbing trees in the grasslands and forests they come from.
  • Basic Information


    Horu are a species of short bipedal mammals with an, albeit small, mostly standard humanoid skeletal structure. Their differences start with their larger and slightly pointed ears, specialised for listening out for predators and danger that might be nearby. Horu are surprisingly long-fingered, with delicate and graceful hands. Similar to gorillas, they have semi-apposable feet, with a longer big toe that protrudes from lower on the foot.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Horu reproduce sexually via pregnancy and childbirth, like most humanoid mammals. The gestation period for a Horu fetus averages around eight months.

    Growth Rate & Stages

    Horu grow exceptionally fast in the early stages of life, with infancy only lasting six months and children reaching puberty at eight to nine, and then reaching adulthood at sixteen to eighteen.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Horu are adapted to live in grasslands and forests, living off of plants and fruits as gatherers. They have little defence against predators so their lithe forms and remarkable hearing keep them alive by quickly escaping predators before they discover them, along with their green skin aiding in hiding in amongst treetops and underbrush.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    Horu are a primarily herbivorous species, living off of gathered fruits, nuts and berries and, in larger settlements, farmed grains and crops.

    Additional Information

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Horu have exceptional hearing with their large ears.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Created by ???, based on humans.
    80 - 100 yrs.
    Average Height
    3'6" - 4'2"
    Average Weight
    18 - 25 kg
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Horu skin comes in many shades of green, both pale and dark. Their hair comes in lighter shades of red, blonde and brunette, and their eyes tend to be a range of "earthy" colours, hazels, browns, greys, sometimes tinged with orange.
    Geographic Distribution

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