Humans Species in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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The first sapient species of Teriell, and one of the few sapient species that naturally evolved, humans are the species that most gods used as the template when they created other sapient species, in their image or following their ideals or desires. It's due to this that so many of the sapient species of Toriell are bipedal mammals with similar appearance and biology to humans.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce sexually via pregnancy and childbirth, with a full gestation period of around nine months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young humans reach puberty between the ages of nine to thirteen, and then reach adulthood around the age of twenty.
Created by Nyphell
60 - 80 yrs.
Average Height
4'10" - 5'10"
Average Weight
55 - 75 kg
Geographic Distribution

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