Solvarii Species in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Solvarii are a species of bipedal primates with a structure very similar to the standard humanoid form, however, their bodies are characterised by having abnormally dense and strong musculature and bones, giving them a seemingly superhuman physical strength, when compared to most other humanoids. In terms of appearance, the Solvarii look very similar to humans, with a few special characteristics. Most Solvarii have warm beige or sandy skin tones, matching well with the natural roughness of their skin, due to their cultural love for physical training and activities, and their choice to live in harsh and rough environments. Solvarii are also well-known for their brilliant silver and platinum shades of hair, earning their moniker of "silver-haired giants". Additionally, Solvarii very rarely grow facial hair and have very little body hair. Finally, Solvarii tend to have vivid red, orange, or yellow irises.

Genetics and Reproduction

Solvarii, like most humanoid mammals, reproduce sexually via pregnancy and childbirth. However, they have a faster-than-average gestation period, averaging only six months in most cases.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young Solvarii grow quickly, reaching puberty between ages eight to ten, at which point their growth slows down and until they reach adulthood at the age of twenty to twenty-two.

Ecology and Habitats

Solvarii culture values survivability and strength, which leads them to deliberate choose harsh and difficult environments to settle in. They're often known to live in rugged and desolate mountain regions.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Due to their culture heavily prioritising 'brains' over 'brawn', Solvarii tend to have a slightly below average level of intelligence and knowledge when compared to other sentient species.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

To the Solvarii, their hair is incredibly important and they take great care to keep it well-maintained and in good condition. Both men and women will grow their hair out as long as they can and put a lot of effort into arranging and styling their hair in their own way. It's also seen as a great dishonour to have their hair cut short.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Created by ???, based on humans.
90 - 120 yrs.
Average Height
5'8" - 7'4"
Average Weight
90 - 120 kg
Average Physique
Naturally bulky builds with pronounced musculature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Solvarii skin colours encompass the normal human range with a tendency towards sandy, beige, copper, and bronze colourations. Solvarii are well-known for their brilliant silver and platinum shades of hair, and eyes of vivid reds, oranges, or yellows.
Geographic Distribution

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