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Coconut Devil

(The second most valuable fruit in the Golden Empire, after grapes.)


Legend of the Evil Coconut

  All over the Golden Empire, wary parents spread the legends of the Coconut Devil. A foul creature enveloped by mystique and mischief that sits idly atop the coconut trees. Waiting for hapless children to play underneath them, so that they might drop down on their heads and devour their brains.   This tale of devilish evils shifts from village to village, with some describing the creature as colours all from beige to red to blue. Some with wide evil eyes, others just with a large toothy maw.   At the core of the myth lies an universal truth though, that heavy objects falling from a tall height can have lethal outcomes should they hit someone in the head.  

Extended Version

  In some regions where coconuts make up a vital source of food or produce, children are also taught longer versions of the tales where the devil can be cleansed out of the fruits. Within some tales the devil is banished as soon as the coconut leaves their trees. Within others, they are knocked out into the soil when the fruit hits the ground.   The main cause of banishing the demon within remains the same all over though. Parents teach their kids how to gather the fruits from a safe distance, by either throwing rocks at them, chucking spears or using the coconuts as target practice for arrows.


Created by Tonarus
Art generated with Midjourney

Coconuts within Empire Culture



  Coconuts are some of the most common fruits and foods to be found within the tropical seaside regions of the Golden Empire, as well as the islands underneath their dominion. It is no chocker that coconuts have become a key ingredient within their cooking, ranging from juices and sauces to dried seasonings and even full blown dishes.   One such dish is the coco-pot which consists of a whole coconut opened with a lid and filled with various random fish, shellfish, vegetables, berries and/or fruits. Re-applying the lid to the coconut, it is then boiled over an open fire and served like a soup.   A similar procedure adding sugar, eggs and vanilla to the milk, whipped and cooled within a coconut has also become a traditional dessert known as gelato, or Ice Cream beyond the borders of the Empire.  

Vanity and Medicine

  Due to the pleasant smells and lotioning nature of the coconut milk, it is often used within perfumes, herbal remedies and medicinal creams all over the Empire provinces. Thanks to the rich amounts of the fruits, it is also cheap mass produced at no cost of the quality. Making these products accessible for almost everyone.  


  Beyond food and balms, coconuts have sometimes been used historically for improvisation as well. Such as during the conflict when the elves invaded and cannons would be filled with the hard fruits at the lack of proper cannon balls.   They have also been used within clothing, music instruments and even decorations, making it one of the most vital resources central to much of the Empire’s culture.


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Jul 22, 2024 19:24 by Lia Felis

I love it! *.*

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.
Jul 22, 2024 22:36

Thank you!

Aug 18, 2024 11:20

I like the myth a lot, but the "Coconut Devil" needs a mythical origin story. Is it a minion of an evil god, or a tortured spirit, or imbued with the essence of naughty children.   The origin story doesn't have to be true, but the parents have to tell their children something.

Aug 18, 2024 11:58

A great idea! >:D