Istari Or'Sedan Character in Archaera | World Anvil
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Istari Or'Sedan

Commander Istari Vedma Zelenaya Or'Sedan (a.k.a. The Falcon)

One of the primary protagonists and perspective characters, Istari Or'Sedan is a gifted Shaper and Wielder, as well as a dedicated academic with a major reckless streak. She is headstrong and brave, and tends to go where her whims take her, usually into a fight. Istari is both Blademaster and General under Taera Ny'Dhavel, having been given the Sword of the Lost Kings after they, alongside Kree, found the tomb at the end of the Floating Mountains.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Istari is fairly short for one of the Ronar. She is stocky as well, with decades of hard muscle built up from training. She has soft features though, and that softness rounds out her entire physique.

Body Features

Sprouts large, golden-brown falcon's wings at will due to the power stored in her tattoo.

Identifying Characteristics

Istari almost always wears her hair in single large braid, or a loose style with braids incorporated. She has the brand of the Masters on her left wrist.

Apparel & Accessories

In the years before her time at court, Istari tends to wear typical Ronan fashion. Functional styles, usually with breeches as opposed to skirts, in earthy tones accented with embroidery. During her time in the court, she adopts the stiff style of the Drakhar, which is dark, severe, and plain.

Personality Characteristics


Above all, Istari wants to be free, happy, and on an adventure. She sets out from the Library after her training to find adventure, which catapults her into the trials and tribulations of the Lost Crown. As a sovereign, after the war, after Taera's death, and after her confinement, all she really wants is to settle back into a life of adventure and uncertainty, she wants to be free and reckless; as, underneath all her power and prowess, she is still young for one of her people.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Istari is extremely skilled as a magic user and a blademaster, though she shows a greater affinity and skill with the quarterstaff. She has an excellent memory for facts and information, but a terrible mind for numbers. She is a skilled statesman, as shown during her tenure in Taera's court, but she dislikes politics, and if she is not a directly powerful person in any given circumstance, she is likely to do or say something to get herself in trouble. She is determined, which often goes too far into stubborn and headstrong.

Virtues & Personality perks

Determined; dextrous/good with her hands; patient; loyal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Extremely reckless; can be cocky; loyal to a fault; can be fairly self pitying & tends to fall into a pit of defeatism after a failure.

Personality Quirks

When she truly, really smiles, the left side of her mouth goes up more than the right, and she has a dimple on that side.


Taera Ny'Dhavel

Friend (Vital)

Towards Istari Or'Sedan



Istari Or'Sedan

Friend (Vital)

Towards Taera Ny'Dhavel




Taera and Istari were trained together at the Great Library. They went from being friends and competitors to traveling companions and then comrades in arms. Istari became Taera's most trusted advisor and general, while Taera became her queen. The two succumbed to the taint of the Crown and Sword together, as Taera wore the crown as queen and Istari weilded the sword as general. After Taera's death, the dragon Axara chose Istari as her successor. Taera, though posthumously, became Istari's sister-in-law when she and Kree married after Istari was released from her confinement for the crimes she committed under the taint of the Crown. Istari and Kree's second child, a daughter named Tassia, looks exactly like Taera, and was named Tassia because it means "reincarnation".

Cairon Or'Sedan

Father (Vital)

Towards Istari Or'Sedan



Istari Or'Sedan

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Cairon Or'Sedan



Kasnir Or'Sedan

Uncle (Important)

Towards Istari Or'Sedan



Istari Or'Sedan

Neice (Important)

Towards Kasnir Or'Sedan




Kasnir is Istari's uncle, and therefore has a very high opinion of her. He has a soft spot for her, and cares for her deeply. Kasnir taught Istari most of what she knows about fighting and survival, based on his belief that magic may be able to do much, but you should be able to take care of yourself without it. He made the knives presented to her upon her Ascent alongside a staff made by her father. Istari spent long sunny afternoons in his forge watching him work as a child (and as an adult).

Nicknames & Petnames

Kasnir refers to Istari as "Ishi" or "Little Ishi".

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Kasnir and Istari share an interest in weaponry and animals. Cairon shares the interest in weaponry, but he is not so drawn to the creatures.

Shared Acquaintances

Kasnir regards Istari's mother, Byrn, with a deep respect. They knew each other as children.

Year of Birth
76 AD 203 Years old
Deep green, gold flecked and almond shaped.
Dark, chestnut brown, thick, and curly. Length varies, though she usually wears it braided.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and freckled, with a slight green tinge.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I've been given all this help all my life, and all I want to do now is jump and see what happens when no one's waiting to catch me."

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