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Escape from the Raptors claws

The pirates After surviving the harpy encounter the group is ambushed by pirates. The Captain Geraki (a half giant man) had business with the rider that was taken and had organised the race to be fixed. The rider was supposed to come in second but had at last minute decided to try and win instead. The pirates howevere had ensured that he would not win. That is why they attacked him and has now taken him prisoner.   The pirates take the group as prisoners and leads them down the back door to their ship that has been docked in a cave on the backside of the island. The captain is very angry at them for killing his animals and wans to throw them overboard but one of the crewmates convinces him to take them as prisoners and sell them into slavery at the raptors nest. If the team does something they will be punsihed and thrown over board however.   The team wil be thrown into a cage situated on the lower deck of a medium sized Trireme with a sculpure of a harpy in the front. there are no windows but with a high investigation check they may find that there is a small hole in the wood where they can see out.   The turtle There is one guard that is left to guard them, another will take his place once night falls. The group travles for two days unless they try to break out, it will take 4 days to get to the raptors nest. On the dawn of the third day (unless they try to break out sooner) They will start to hear commotion from upside and the guard leaves them. ChELONA CHELONA the pirates scream at the top of their lungs. The players have a few moments to escape their cage before they see the head of the beast smash through the floor, sending them and the cage they're in flying. The ship is split down the middle with tons of debree flying everywhere. The playes must performa either a strength or lockpicking check fast before the cage sinks into the ocean and they drown.   When they make it up the are situated near a lot of loating debree that forms a platform where they can stand. On the other side of the gap they can see that the other side of the ship is still somewhat floating but is quickly sinking, but the captain is still fireing canons at the beast. There are other pirates fast approaching the teams (ship) however. They can either choose to let them on or fight them for the spot. If they let them on the boat may sink and some of the pirates have ill intentions. The group must also prioritze gatting away from the turtle as fast as possible. This can be akomplished in many ways but there will be matrials to make a small sail and oars to roa with.   If the group has been keeping an eye out they will know that they passed a small island not long ago and can start heading that way. Otherwhise they might be left to the mercy of the ocean. (if they do nothing the streams will eventually lead them to the raptors nest)   The island   The Island they strand on is inhabited by a tribe of Bullywugs that have encaptured the Lizard folk Tzatziki and stolen his boat. Tzatziki had spotted the pirate ship and taken refuge in the bay of the island when he was captured. The bullywugs has taken him and his boat to their village situated in the middle of the island where a huge swamp surrounds a big tree that they have built a castle around. The team can spot the campfire of the village in an atempt to fin help. They will find them in the middle of descussing tzatzikis fate. Some of them want to cook him whilst other want to simply give him to their god. They are descussing this in front of the king, a larger bullywug that looks like a pacman frog riding an even larger frog. They team can either fight or try to reason with the frogs.


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