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Merew Merew is an old kingdom that has existed for seemingly thousands of years and claims to trace their origins to before the great collapse. The country is ruled by the royal family that claim to decend from the gods themselves.    Geography:   Merew is situated south of the Nisián archipelago north of the great southern mountains that marks the southern edge of the known world. The kindom experiences a subtropical climate and is therefore mostly dominated by vast deserts and vast savannahs. It rains very little here and most of the people are thus situated around the coast, near the mountains or along the Mer river (whos name the nation is named after). It is at the spring of this great river that the capitol Niepo  is situated. It is said that the gods themselves placed the great spring here for their children (the people of merew) as a chelter from the great collapse.  The Capitol is surrounded by miles upon miles of farmland that grow everythin from grain to tropical fruits not origially native to this part of the continent. To the West lies the great mountains. In the Past these used to be filled to the brim with precous minerals, but now only small scale operations mining for copper remains.  There is also the city of Port Fáros, a costal town that has seen large groth in recent years thanks to a lucrative traid network with the archipelago.     History:    Merews history streatches far into the past, how long very few know but they claim to be a pre collapse nation.  At the start of the 5th century Merew started growing past its historical borders, forming an empire that streatched to most of the archipleago and even to the coast of Fasach. This Golden period came to an abrupt end however. Bad harvest casued by en icreasingly dry climate, coupled with the great royal mines starting to run empty eventually casued a uprising in the Nisian colloies that lead to a war of independance. Many merewians lost their lives and the kindom had to retriet back within their historical borders. The nation is still holding on and is currently in a period of relative rest but small uprisngs are not uncommon.    Culture and religion:   The merewians are a rpud people. According to their own mythological history their people escaped out into the deserts long ago. It is said that thei first came here to gaze up at the vast nightime skies that you coud only see clearly out in desert. It is here they formed a close connection to the gods, it is even said that they coupled together and had offspring. This is what gave rise to the cult of the godkings that is now the state religion of the kingdom. It is then said that when the collapse came and the gods left this world they left behind the river Mer so that their beloved children may live on.  The Country is currently ruled by King Asterós XI who rules the nation with a strict but fair attitude. He is surrounded by high priests and corwns guard who would do anything to protect their king, this god among men.


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