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Terror of pteros

Start with Jacob: Jacob you are awoke by the squacking of a small pterosaur that has perched itself on a pole next to you. You quickly come to conseousness and leap up. For a brief moment you forget where you are but you quickly remember the kind fisherman that allowed you to hitch a ride on his small vessle. You've been on the sea for the better part of 2 days now, but you've gotten used to islandhopping by now. JAcob please describe your character.    Looking out at the blue ocean you can clearly see a large pillar like island growing closer on the horizon. This is is the Island of pteros, a quaint island in the southern archipelago. The landmass itself looks as if tho someone had lunged a spear into the ocean floor and then broke it in half. The rock is of sandstone and lime and alog its steep cliff walls you can make out many small gardens and terracess were people grow lemons, olives and all kinds of crop. After half an hor or so the boat puls in to a small harbour. I can see the city square just beyond the docks and the fishig vessles. You say goodbye to the fisherman and head into the town to get something to eat.    In the market you are met by many different kinds of smells (mostly fish tho) and a collection of different salesmen and artisans. Your eyes quickly lock in on a strange site. A small little man, a dwarf clad in strange garments in a heated argument with a shop keeper. Alex please describe your character.      The Players get a while to explore the market and talk to people.   After a while a booming voice will announce that the race is going to start shortly. Everyone gathers by a large wooden platform overlooking the ocean and the many small spear-like cliffs sticking out of it. To their right they see another platform hanging from the roof of a large cave opening. It is out of this opening the players spot 4 enormous stork-like creatures emerge. Each one is nearly 5 meters tall walking quadrupedally using its long forelimbs like crutches briefly snap at each other before letting out a piercing shriek. When they step into the light you can see that each one is wearing colorful drapes and bridles and each one has a tiny rider riding on its back. These are the pterosaur riders, the pride and joy of the island of Pteros.   The race starts and everyone looks in awe as the racers soar up in the air along the track, narrowly avoiding rocks and flocks of Rhamphorhynchus. The race is almost over with two of the riders very close to the finish line when a shriek is heard from the skies above. Looking up you see three large birds soaring like vultures high up in the heavens. You almost have no time to react before the two of them quickly dive down at the racers. One of the harpies goeas and grabs the rider that is currently leading the race right before he hits the finnish line and a battle breaks out on the landing platform. If the players do not manage to kill the two harpies they will flee and fly away towards a nearby island.   The villagers are very upset but no one dares to follow the kidnappers. One brave fisherman will offer his boat to the group however.   The harpies has taken the rider to a cave entrance high up on a similar spire like island only 30min away by boat. Everyone thinks its trange that they would roost there since harpies are almost extinct in this part of the archipelago. The group sets out on the boat and have a couple of minutes to talk to eachother and make up a plan before setting foot on the desert island. It is now late in the evening so the group must stop for a rest whilst hiking up the mountain. They must also perform dex checks or sustain injury on he journey up.   At the top of the spire they fins a open cave entrance it does not go very deep so they can clearly see animal remain lying strown across the floor. In the center of the room is the now rotting carcas of one of the pterosaurs. There is also strangely a back door that lead further into the cave.   The kidnapped rider is nowhere to be seen but the harpies are nested on a large tree root that is sticking out of the wall.
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