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Goliath are hulking, gravel-skinned humanoids that make their homes in the inhospitable realms of mountain peaks. They are a hearty people who walk a razors edge between survival and extinction; eking out their lives on the fringes of the world where other races would surely perish in the frozen heights.   Despite their vast size disparity, it is believed that goliaths actually share a common ancestor with the dwarves that live beneath the mountains. The truly curious factor of goliath genetics though, is there connection to the giants of ancient times. When and how this connection was forged can only be guessed at, but it can be clearly seen in their strength and near-supernatural resistance to cold.    Aside from their immense stature, one of the other most defining characteristics of the goliaths is there paradoxical lack of hair anywhere on their bodies. Common knowledge would dictate that a species acclimated to cold weather would instead boast a thick, insulating coat of fur. Instead, goliath have an extraordinary thick epidermis that ironically shares more in common with the whales of the oceans than most mountain fauna. Their skin is incredibly thick and insulated (which also carries the side effects of goliath having a far weaker sense of touch than most hominids) that is highly efficient at trapping body heat. The lack of blood vessels close to the surface of their skin also causes their stony complexion.    Culturally, goliath are a people that highly value personal efficiency. Their wandering tribes strike up a fine balance between favoring the collective and favoring the individual. To put it another way, goliaths pride themselves on improving themselves and becoming efficient to benefit the group. Conversely, a goliath that is unable to pull their weight is cast off. This has resulted in a people that are highly competitive amongst themselves, which is something they often bring with them when they find themselves intermingling with other races in the lands beneath their lofty homes.


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