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Knights of the Order of the Spiral

The Knights often found in service of the Church of the Attuned are technically not a formal arm of the church (though many of its number are also members of the Church's hierarchy as well). Rather, they are a group of like-minded individuals who seek to exemplify core values and strive to follow a code of chivalry and devotion.   The Order of the Spiral has no official hierarchy. A brand-new initiate is viewed just as equal as an old sage who has devoted his life to the Order. Those who join the Order do so out of a sense of obligation or holiness rather than glory or riches. While the Order does offer monetary compensation for expenses as well as rewards that go above and beyond the call of duty, it is a volunteer organization.   Anyone looking to join must pledge themselves mind, body, and spirit to the Order and swear a sacred vow before a conglomerate of brothers and sisters of the order. There is no formal vow one must take, rather, it is a personal commitment to serve a specific aspect of Dualism. In this regard it is much like the oath a paladin swears (many brothers and sisters are paladins, though not all of them.) After a probationary period where the initiate is tested in both faith and skill, the initiate is knighted by a priest of the Attuned and welcomed into the Order in full standing.   Depending on their oath sworn, a Knight of the Order will usually take on either Fos or Dorcha as their patron (though a practicing Dualist still reveres both), as they seek to embody a specific ideal, with virtues like devotion, valor, vengeance, and conquest associated with Fos and virtues like mercy, order, nature, and death associated with Dorcha.   On top of their specific oaths, Knights of the Order are expected to follow a code of conduct In their day to day lives. This code includes things like chivalry, defending and uplifting the weak, and living in the service of others. While no lifestyle is strictly forbidden, Knights are encouraged to forgo earthly pleasures and connections in exchange for a life fully committed to the betterment of mankind.


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