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Primus is the overseer of the realms of Mechanus: the outer plane of law and order. He is not its ruler, however; something he is quick to point out. Rather, the laws of nature are the one and only ruler of the realm and he is merely its keeper.   He is the creator of the modrons that make their homes within the great cogs of Mechanus, or at the very least he gave them their shape and set them towards the purpose of unraveling the great mysteries of the cosmos.   He is also the Fundamental Avatar of law and order, much in the same way that Cataclysm is a Fundamental Avatar of chaos and destruction. Despite their apparent dichotomy, Harmony (as he is known as an Avatar) bears no ill-will towards Cataclysm, as order cannot truly exist without chaos and vice versa.

Divine Domains

Law, Order, Synergy

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Primus/Harmony has been known to take one of two forms: his more celestial form, which takes the appearance of a towering mechanical automaton, or as a human artificer dressed in fine but well-worn workman's clothes.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

As a Fundamental Avatar, Harmony embodies the concept of law and order. He is compelled to seek out meaning and directive of every aspect of life and the universe and cannot conceptualize something existing without a role. Even his foil, Cataclysm, plays a role within the cosmos, as law cannot exist without anarchy for it to bring order to.    Despite embodying fundamental law, Harmony is as in the dark in regards to the origins of the universe as anyone else and spends his days seeking answers to life's fundamental questions and has sculpted Mechanus into one big computing system to aid in this: Why are we here? Who put us here? Why are things as they are?


Much in the same way Cataclysm is driven to destroy and sow discord, Harmony can only bring order. He is fundamentally incapable of directly destroying something or breaking down order.
Divine Classification
Fundamental Avatar
Lawful Neutral
Current Residence
The Great Modron Cathedral of Mechanus


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