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The Day of Long Shadows

A day that lives in infamy in the annals of Crucible's history, the Day of Long Shadows was the first time since Tron Renaren reclaimed the city from the elves that it saw a full-blown invasion.   Led by the goliath warlord Lazaros "Warbringer" Inulathai, an army comprised of orcs, goblins, and most notably, hill giants smashed through the outer walls of Crucible and laid waste to the city. The attack was supremely well-timed, as the bulk of the garrison was currently busy on the other side of the city conducting a military parade in honor of the coronation of the new King Rulan Snowthorne II.   With an organized military response hours away at best, the defense of the outer city relied almost exclusively on civilian militia. It is largely agreed that were it not for one particular man rallying the disparate defenders, the city would have been lost. That man was Dorian Havik, the future King of Crucible; at the time little more than a common mercenary commander.   Havik lead a daring counter-attack against the horde's flank and engaged Lazaros in one-on-one combat. Ultimately, Havik slew the warlord and cut the head off the metaphorical snake; breaking the invasion and forcing the now leaderless horde to retreat.   Havik was lauded as a hero and champion of Crucible; influence he would take with him and use to great effect when it came time to challenge King Snowthorne's rule. As for the current king, despite his best attempts to scapegoat the disaster, his reign never fully recovered from its rocky start and would forever be marred by what many consider to be a blunder of kingly proportions.   Of course, the warlord Lazaros proved elusive of death, as he returned shortly under a decade later to wage the far-bigger sequel to the Day of Long Shadows to the southeast in Requiem.
Start Date
1208 EP
Ending Date
1208 EP


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