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The Long Shadow Conflicts

Derived from the Day of Long Shadows, an event during which an army of giants and orcs stormed the city of Crucible in Horizon, the Long Shadow Conflicts is the name affixed to a similar campaign that raged across Requiem.   Like during the Day of Long Shadows, the army of giants, orcs, and other usually isolated groups was dubbed "the Reckoning" and marshalled by the goliath warlord Lazaros "Warbringer" Inulathai. Lazaros was likened to that of a living legend, as the Warbringer was something of a bogeyman that haunted many a noble house across Horizon and eastern Kentro for centuries.   Ostensibly, the Reckoning's goals were to put an end to the constant squabbling between the great cities of Requiem and install a more "communal" way of life. They went about this in two ways: conducting raids and guerilla attacks against both sides of the current Penance-Cognance conflict and "searching for artifacts" said to be sequestered beneath a number of Foci across the province.   In actuality, the Reckoning sought to break the chains that bound a legendary creature of destruction, which would be their ultimate weapon against the civilizations of men.   They very nearly succeeded in their goals, too. The Reckoning was able to keep their true motives hidden long enough to locate the chains' anchors scattered across Requiem and were able to access them thanks to outside aid from The Heralds of Aevilok. In addition, Cataclysm intervened directly in order to wake the beast (known as the Tarrasque) from its slumber and bestow control of it to Lazaros.   Ultimately, the Tarrasque and the Reckoning were stopped just outside the gates of Sigil thanks to an intrepid team of adventurers who had originally come to Requiem simply to aid King Aurum Fortis III in locating his wayward daughter.

The Conflict


For years prior, Cognance and Penance had been involved in a military conflict ostensibly based on the latter's condemnation of the former's "blasphemous" use of magic (only later did it become evident that Penance sought to seize Cognance's new blasting powder technology for themselves). While the conflict never grew beyond minor skirmishes and espionage, it was already a resurgence of a conflict from decades prior that was never truly resolved. This constant back-and-forth set a volatile stage filled with everyday men and women on both sides who were sick and tired of constant pointless war; people who would happily join a cause that promised to put an end to it.

Start Date
Ending Date


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