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Element Zero

Matter without form. It was the single greatest discovery of mankind, as it gave the ability to make anything out of almost nothing. It singlehandedly propelled humanity to, and through a golden age unlike anything else in history. Its final use was that of its first. It fueled, and was the ships that were going to take humanity to, and beyond the stars. its containment unit was a hollow cube with a sphere in the middle. The desired amount of Element Zero is within that sphere.


Material Characteristics

It cannot be seen. It is matter without form, so it doesn't generate, or reflect light. It has no physical form, it simply is.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is matter without form. If the right amount of the right kind of energy is applied, it can gain form. It can become anything.


It is nothing, and all things at once. With the right energy, it can take the form of anything that isn't a living thing, as whatever it is that allows a living thing to exist is the only thing that it cannot be.

Geology & Geography

Space itself is made of this stuff. Harvesting it is a very delicate process, as very precise energies are required to obtain it in its formless state.

History & Usage


It pushed humanity into a golden age. It allowed several breakthroughs in all fields of science. Every day, someone found a way to make something from this, almost nothing.


It was discovered in the year, 2357, by the United Order of National Discoveries, (Or OUND). That scientific order became the single most wealthy organization in existence.

Everyday use

It is used in any, and everything, as it can be any, and everything.


It can be used as a fuel right after you find it, but to go any further in its usage, you must apply the right amount of the right kind of energy to give it the desired form.

Manufacturing & Products

It can be used in anything, as it is matter without form. With the right amount of the right energies, it can be given any form that you may desire.


Giving Element Zero form is a very delicate matter, as you have to give it the exact amount of energy, otherwise, it could take an unexpected, and sometimes deadly form. Such forms include a form of pure radiation, that would kill before they've even lost their balance, or a superheated material that would burn anything near it.


Trade & Market

Any, and every manufacturing industry has use for this material, as it can be made into anything.


It is stored inside a hollow cube, with a sphere in the middle. The sphere contains the element, and glows blue if there is some stored within.

Law & Regulation

A permit given by the golden council is required to possess any quantity of this material.


Each containment cube is worth 200 GC (300 USD)
Space itself is made of it, giving humanity a unlimited supply.
Common State
It is matter without form, meaning it is closer to an energy, but can be harvested. It is not made of electrons, protons, or neutrons, but is something else entirely.


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Mar 29, 2024 18:19 by Romaine Ruddy

man this gives heavy mass effect vibes which i love, How many possibilities would one containment cube give you..

Mar 31, 2024 00:58

Nigh infinite.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16