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The primary fighter craft used by the Archangels, and the lightest fighter craft ever to fill the skies in, and around the safe zones. JMW has said almost nothing about how it's made, or what tech is involved. Regardless, in the short time it has been in service, it, and its pilots have protected the safe zones well.

Power Generation

JMW has not said anything about what powers this extremely fast machine. It is to small for even a miniature nuclear rector, and basic battery power would be insufficient.


JMW has said nothing about what propels the machine, though based on the sound it makes when flying overhead, some believe it uses gravity manipulation similar to that used by the aliens.

Weapons & Armament

Armed with six Element Zero seeking missiles, two anti-air machine guns, and two repeating lasers.

Armor and defense

It has nearly no armor, and relies on its extreme speed, and maneuverability to survive.

Communication Tools & Systems

It uses a standard radio to communicate.


Instead of sonar, (which is useless when traveling faster than sound) it uses a lidar system to map out its surroundings.
LFC (Light Fighter Craft)
Creation Date
Built in June, 2646
It is a new, and therefore rare craft. Only about a hundred are in service today.
25 feet.
7 feet
Mach 5.0


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