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Mechrion Archon

The supposed leader of the mechrion armada. Only one has ever been seen, yet it is believed that several are in the coming second wave. It has power almost like magic, and that power made it a deadly foe. It is theorized that this power is a super-advanced form of Element Zero conversion, that turns the formless matter, into energy, and uses that energy for a destructive purpose.

Basic Information


It has a narrow frame in the lower half, and a wide frame in the upper half. Contrary to Michael Ward's Operation Rapture Report, it has no hands, but rather has energy dispensers at the ends of its arms according to Corporal Charles Jefferson.

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Unknown for sure, though some think that the robotic variations that we face are not their true form, but they have a organic form that requires an Earthlike habitat much like us. This would explain why they invaded Earth in the first place.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Biological Cycle




Additional Information

Social Structure

It is obviously far above the workers, and foot soldiers. It is thought to be the leader of the entire armada that initially invaded Earth.

Facial characteristics

Its head is angled forward, and instead of a face, it has two optics in place of a face.

Average Intelligence

It is believed to be vastly more intelligent than any human ever to be born.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is believed to have sensory systems far superior to anything humanity can ever dream of.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions


Major Organizations


Beauty Ideals


Gender Ideals


Courtship Ideals


Relationship Ideals


Average Technological Level

It has a technological development beyond anything humanity thought possible. Even with Element Zero.


Not much is known about this thing. The only real "history" regarding the machine is operation Rapture, and that was its demise. There was no time, need, or desire to stop, and ask questions about its origins, or why it led the armada. Not that such questions are possible when it weaves its energies against all human presence.
Average Height
The one that was seen was 45 feet tall
Average Weight
It seemed weightless, as it hovered above the ground, though this could have been gravity manipulation.
Average Physique
It is thought to be extremely strong, able to lift hundreds of tons with little effort.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The one that was seen was a ghostly white, with blue glowing lights throughout the body.
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