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Serving as both Deepingdale's capitol and only settlement of note, the town of Highmoon grew up as a settlement of humans and elves near the castle known as The Tower of the Rising Moon and has grown steadily despite waxing and waning fortunes. Highmoon is the most integrated town of humans and elves in all the Dales, perhaps all the world, with the elven and half-elven population of the town nearly equal to the population of humans. Highmoon is a prosperous place that makes the most of its position along the East Way trade lanes to host merchant caravans, travelers, and adventures on their way to further flung parts of the Dalelands, Cormanthor, Cormyr, Sembia, or the Moonsea coast.   Highmoon is both a beautiful and lively city with meandering lanes, small cottages, trees, and lovely gardens outside the city walls; inside the city walls are plentiful green spaces, small parks, flower gardens, and wonderful examples of both human and elven architecture. Highmoon also contains some of the finest inns and eateries in all of the dales to cater to the needs of merchants and travelers great and small. Caravans from the Thunder Gap stop here to replenish their stores on their way to the mercantile Dales like Archendale.



Human 50%
Half-Elf 25%
Elf 20%
Other 5%


Aristocratic 2%
Wealthy 17%
Middle Class 30%
Laboring 40%
Poor 11%


Lord of Highmoon Theremen Ulath rules as the executive in both Highmoon and Greater Deepingdale. Lordship of Highmoon is not a hereditary position, but instead awarded to a worthy successor by the Town Council. The Council itself is made up of elected members from Highmoon and the hinterlands around Deepingdale.


Tower of the Rising Moon

This black walled fortress actually consists of three towers in a triangular fashion that were originally built by the half-elven hero Aglauntaras with construction starting in 1022. From the outside its most striking features of this castle are the 'horned' towers, one larger than the others, that can be spotted for miles outside of the the town and also serve as Deepingdale's coat of arms. The horns are actually attachment points for awnings that are hung in winter time to prevent snow from falling on the tops of the towers. The interior of this fortress has been likened more to a garden in a cave than to a dark dank fortress and boasts magical lights, running water, and plenty of greenery, it is also equipped with a plethora of hidden defensive weaponry.  

The Lord's Barracks and Lord's Wall

The Lord's Wall surrounds the old town of Highmoon where about a quarter of the town's population lives and is guarded day and night by the archers of Oak Company and Spear Company. The Lord's barracks is nearly a castle of its own and serves as the living quarters for the companies as well as the armory for Highmoon's militia.  

The Swords of Deepingdale

The Swords of Deepingdale is Highmoon's professional army, though only 170 men strong it makes up for with skill at arms what it lacks in size. The Swords of Deepingdale consist of two companies of mounted elven archers named Oak Company and Spear Company each with 70 seasoned warriors as its members. The remaining 30 are part of the Tower Guard, Lord Theremen's personal men-at-arms, each having to earn their place among it's ranks by proving their skill at arms.  


The Sage of Deepingdale is an archwizard who makes his home near the city of Highmoon. He is well versed in all manner of defensive and destructive magics and will not hesitate to use his power in defense of Deepingdale.

Guilds and Factions

Andelmaus Logging provides strong hardwood timbers for buyers in Cormyr and Sembia. They also sell to customers from the Dalelands and will even cut timbers to order.   The Silverhand House was founded by an adventurer named Gaelin Silverhand almost 200 years ago and does exclusive trade with merchants in Arabel; exchanging rare woods, furs, amber, and resin for coin.


The town of Highmoon grew up around the Tower of the Rising Moon during and after its construction  A black dragon named Zarlandris attacked Highmoon during the year of Rogue Dragons (1373). He nearly reduced the Tower of the Rising Moon to rubble before he was finally slain. The castle has since been reconstructed.

Points of interest

Caravan Campground

This was once the camp for workers who built Highmoon's walls, but persists decades later as a kind of fairgrounds, caravan stop, and horse market. This muddy and chaotic mess of tents, wagons, and temporary buildings is located outside the northeastern gate of the Lord's Barracks and heavily patrolled by Deepingdale's soldiers. It's where one could make the shadier kinds of deals with people or find sell-swords looking for work. It's also the home for the occasional circus or traveling freak show.  

The High Market

An open-air market that takes up nearly half of the southern quarter of Highmoon's walls. The High Market is where traders from foreign lands, mainly Cormyr and Sembia, come to trade coin and wares in exchange for fine furs, herbs, and rare woods gathered from Deepingdale's Countryside with the natives. A unique feature of the High Market is its inclusion of a public bathhouse and a privy area on the eastern side. While fun to browse it is rarely of interest to adventuring folk.  

Rhauntides's Tower

Rhauntides is the sage of Deepingdale and a powerful Archmage. He and his wife Shaunil Tharm are both quiet and kind folk who if in residence are willing to help the people of Deepingdale by answering questions about magical lore for a nominal fee of 2GP. Outsiders are also welcome to use his services but for much higher prices. Rhauntides will by books or scrolls of spells that are not a part of his collection for greater than market value (if you can find one), but will not train strangers in magic, cast spells for them, or join in any adventure regardless of how much gold he is offered.  

The Leaves of Learning

This temple to Oghma is the only religious building within the boundaries of Highmoon, though shrines to Corellon and other elven gods litter the forest and countryside around the city. The tallest building in all of Highmoon sits upon the same hill as the Tower of the Rising Moon and has high reaching delicate spires that elevate to levels beyond the castle's towers. Its grounds contain what has been called one of the finest libraries short of Candlekeep which is kept in pristine condition by Learned Father Higher Atlar Hasicor Danali and his small army of scribes and lay priests. The Leaves of Learning offers identification, research, and scribing services, but Hascior, the only true cleric at the temple, does not provide healing magics save for the direst circumstances.
Founding Date
About 4,000
Characters in Location
Purchase Value Limit
3,000 GP   Value of Assets
600,000 GP

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