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Oren Sag

Oren Sag

This portly human with poor posture and a perpetual hangdog expression was one of the lowest ranking members of the trading guild known as Darkwater Brand. When Oren was robbed by a group of bandits while traveling through the Thunder Peaks the adventurers who would become the future guild in Archenbridge agreed to help him by retrieving his family's stolen sword and his trade ledger. He paid them from guild funds, indebting himself further to the Darkwater Brand which he owed for the iron ore lost in the attack.   Tyridia Moondown approached Oren about using his administrative and trading skills to benefit the adventuring guild and discovered that Oren could not be hired elsewhere until he paid off his debts to the Darkwater Brand. Sending Byron Nighthawk as an intermediary Tryidia used money from the adventurer's guild coffers to pay off Sag's debts and allow him to make a career transition.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Something about Oren's features make him look despondent even when he is overjoyed.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Oren was robbed by a group of bandits in the Hulloc forest some time before the summer solstice in 1491. He owes the Darkwater Brand for the loss of coins and iron ore worth hundreds of gold.


Contacts & Relations

Oren feels as if he has a friend in Tiridia Moondown, whom he gifted his family's silver rapier after her and her adventuring party recovered his stolen ledger.
A barmaid named Pennie in Summerhill seems to have taken a liking to Oren while he recovered at the inn there after he was robbed.

Wealth & Financial state

Oren lives a comfortable lifestyle within the Darkwater Brand Trading Coster, but now owes his guild at least a year's worth of his wages after a robbery.
Lawful Nuetral
Current Status
Steward of Archendale Adventurer's Guild
Current Location
Date of Birth
High Harvestide
Year of Birth
1461 DR 30 Years old
Thinning black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very fair
200 lbs
Aligned Organization

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