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White Ford

White Ford is the second largest settlement in Archendale and dwarfs the farmsteads that surround it in the same manner that Archenbridge dwarfs it. It is named for a nearby whitewater-girt ford on the River Arkhen but is actually located well north of the water crossing on the north slope of the Arkhen Gorge just west of Arch Wood. It is closer to Highmoon in Deepingdale than it is to Archenbridge, which is located 45 miles downstream at the other end of Archendale, and is a decidedly more relaxed and civil place than the other Arkhen settlements. White Ford is a sleepy, picturesque village of woodcarvers, farmers, mushroom-pickers, and shepherds. It has a horse pond and a well that all can freely use, a paddock field for those who like to camp out with their wagons, a single establishment that serves as both inn and tavern, a smithy, and a furnituremaker whose shop is worth a look. It is a useful, pleasant waystop, but it is not an exciting destination in itself.



Human 65%
Half-Elf 15%
Elf 10%
Halfling 7%
Other 3%


The Arkhenor

A large 400 person capacity great hall that serves as the town meeting place, courthouse, and jail is the village's soul municipal building. The Arkhenor's basement contains about a dozen dungeon cells called "The Lockholes" by locals. The cache of weapons and ammunition used by the militia is also kept here under guard. The White Ford folk meet yearly to elect a mayor and a constable; the mayor's job is more ceremonial than functional and the constable is responsible for overseeing the catchpoles, maintaining the Lockholes, and keeping a guard schedule for the Militia  lockup. Neither receives any compensation in the form of coin, but enjoy some status among their peers.


Arch Hold

On the western side of White Ford there is 12 foot tall ring of stones with about 9 feet of earth piled behind to form a ramp up to the lip creating a small circular area where sits a tower of wood and stone called Arch Hold. Arch Hold is occupied by a ride of Archenriders through the spring and summer, but is usually abandoned by late fall because it is unsuited for use in the winter. Ride Companies come and go on twice daily patrols around the area. Arch Hold's firing platform can house a ballista or about two dozen archers and commands a view of the area surrounding White Ford out a ways beyond the ford to the southwest, Beacon Tor to the Southeast and the Archwood to the west. It is anchored to and oversees White Ford's only other defensive structure, the Wolf Wall. With the exception of the war with Sembia, Arch Hold has not played host to a ballista for over a century because locals kept pilfering parts and ammunition from it when the tower was empty.  

Wolf Wall

The Wolf Wall surrounds most of White Ford village and is so named because it mostly just keeps wolves out in the winter. It is essentially just an eight foot mound of earth with a wooden walking platform on top patrolled by ridesmen in the spring and summer and Militia  in the winter and fall. Wolf Wall, and the town of White Ford, is accessible through a single entry point next to Arch Hold; the gates are ordinarily open night and day, but drop down log barriers are often used to control traffic on busy days (or according to travelers from other dales, when the ridesmen decide they want to collect bribes from merchants).

Guilds and Factions

Mirksha, Mirksha, and Mirksha keeps its warehouse here in White Ford.

Points of interest

Market Square

In the shade of a gnarly 500 year old felsul tree sits a small area dedicated as the market square, but it only hosts the occasional peddler or merchant on rare days. Market square is mainly used for militia training days and as the venue for outdoor weddings and parties. Next to the tree is a covered well that is open for public use.  

Fellsharp's Furniture

According to the well known traveler and author, Volo, Fellsharp and his expert staff of carpenters make the finest couches, chairs, and recliners that "... are truly the most comfortable things to ever touch my back and backside!" Fellsharp's shop consists of a ring shaped building that was once four separate cottages surrounding a barn in which materials and finished products are stored. In addition to premium furnishings Fellsharp and his workforce churn out dolls, mannequins, and snow sledges for the winter months.  

Three Shoes Smithy

Eduard the smith runs this busy shop which mostly produces barrel hoops, wheel rims, hooks, latches, dinnerware, horseshoes and other such products used by smallfolk throughout the realms. His maker's mark is a bird in an open hand which is not an uncommon sight throughout the Dalelands and his work is so quality and prolific it can even be found in the Moonshae isles. Despite the demand for his goods Eduard keeps only four apprentices at any given time and many aspiring smiths, even dwarves, attempt to impress the man enough to be under his tutelage. Eduard attempted to partner with Weygart Mirksha in a business venture, but it seems to have fallen through.  

The Hanged Hobgoblin House Inn and Tavern

The Hobgoblin has about all the things one could expect from a village inn, decent enough food, cheap beers, and a place for customers who would rather not sleep outdoors. The ground floor of this barnlike timber building outside the Wolf Wall is a dirt and sawdust floored tavern which features several taxidermized animals and the establishment's namesake decoration, the head of a goggle eyed hobgoblin known to all as Urbert whose story has been all but lost. The second floor has a gallery sleeping area with a few cots and room to throw down a bedroll if necessary, its warmed by a large hole above the fire pit kept in the middle of the first floor, the smoke at least keeps out fleas and bedbugs.  

Beacon Tor

Beacon Tor sits about a mile and a half southwest of White Ford and is lit during times of emergency. It is part of a series of beacons that run from White Ford to Archendale and use different powders to color smoke and flames to give different warnings. Each village or farmstead is responsible for the beacons nearest their lands.
Owning Organization

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