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Caim's Journals


Text #1

Ophanim guide us, I've finally made it. Today I became the captain of Ethereal Guards. Lord Quaster personally appointed me to the position. I will carry the mantle of our bulwark against the Haunted Realm. No undead peril shall threaten the land of the living; this is surely the will of the spirits.
  In other news, I will propose to Furiae tomorrow. This has been a long time coming.
  • Caim


    Text #2

    That fool of a king sent a necromancer after our realm. Their massive army marched through our lands, razing villages, burning our crops and turning our innocent citizens into more walking corpses. The siege began three days ago. The undead are tireless, attacking day and night, leaving us with little time to rest. But we will hold, as we have held against the Haunted Realm for decades. The irony is painful. Our duty is to protect the world from the dangers of the countless wandering undead of the Realm. Now, after all our efforts to maintain the shield, this imbecile has raised their foul army behind it. No nation will tolerate this idiocy. We have already sent ravens to every corner of the world to request reinforcements, from the mages of Solaki to the dwarves of Zymora. There will be a reckoning on the Bazen Kingdom.
      Furiae is watching over Nowe and Manah. Ophanim swore to protect her and the children while I fight; I trust they are safe. Perhaps the tensions of this conflict are wearing on my mind; I thought I heard a voice speaking to me today, even though I was alone. I hope that I will sleep better tonight.
  • Caim


    Text #3

    Curse the spirits! Curse the false angel! Curse them all!
      It's been two months since the siege began and not a single reinforcement has come. Our supplies have run out and the walls will soon crumble. The fools would rather bicker and play politics. Do they not understand that when Greyhaven falls, the undead horde will not stop until every living being joins their fold!?
      Ophanim has long stopped responding to any of my prayers. The spirits at the temple are silent. Greyhaven has been abandoned by the world. Furiae and the twins try to put up a strong front, but I see their worries clearly on their faces. There must be something… SOMETHING I can do…
      The voice is getting louder… I can even make out words now. I believe it is offering me a chance, a way out… Its words are tempting…
  • Caim

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