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Current Events

This page contains recent major updates in the world of Archestria, as well as suggestions for new missions based on what has been explored recently.  

Recent Events

  • Devilish allies of the Cult of the Destroyer wait patiently in the East Ancient Castle in Birchland while their contacts in Solaki set the stage for them. Now is a good time to sabotage their plans in Solaki.
  • The sea elves of Rainbow Reef need allies to help them defend against the sahuagin threat.
  • A good portion of the Labyrinth has been charted, and its center has been discovered.

Mission Bulletin

This section contains a list of suggestions for new missions. You can also create your own missions.  

Travel Missions

Travel missions unlock additional Mission Starting Locations, which broaden the reach of future adventures.
  • (Sitraz) Punish the Poachers
    • Objective: Capture or kill a group of poachers in the savannah
    • Location: Haunted Realm to Drymond Savannah
    • Level: 6+
    • Lions, zebras, elephants, and more have been found murdered in the central southern area of Drymond Savannah. Stop the ones poaching them, and collect the bounty in Sitraz.

Local Missions

  • Sorrow in Port Saru
    • Objective: Investigate the sickness in Port Saru
    • Location: Port Saru, Solaki
    • Level: 1-8
    • A large portion of Port Saru's populace are suffering from snakeroot poisoning. House Niyataru promise a reward for anyone who helps find a solution. Additionally, princess Zynlow is known to be headed there.
  • Arboreal Escapades (Travel: Mossfort)
    • Objective: Explore the Spiritwood
    • Location: Spiritwood
    • Level: 1-8
    • An ancient map reveals locations of interest throughout the Spiritwood. Chart a series of destinations through the forest, and optionally end in Mossfort as a travel mission. Subterranea's east exit and Port Dawnwink are both valid starting locations.
  • Dockside conspiracy
    • Objective: Root out cultists in Pearl Cove
    • Location: Pearl Cove, Birchland
    • Level: 2-8
    • Carmen of the Golden Bulwark asks allies to investigate a brawl at Pearl Cove's docks. Archestrylene was found at the scene, and the Cult of the Destroyer might be involved.
  • Factory exterminator wanted
    • Objective: Eliminate interlopers in a Vlommengar factory
    • Location: Solaki
    • Level: 3-8
    • House Vlommengar offer a reward to whomever removes the unwanted pests within one of their factories.
  • Hunt: Destroyer cultists throughout southern Archestria
    • Objective: Assault strongholds of the Cult of the Destroyer
    • Location: Pearl Cove / Northern Bazen Lowlands / Two in Zymora
    • Level: 5+
    • The locations of several bases of the Cult of the Destroyer have been located. Eliminate them before they summon more devils into Archestria.
  • Visit Dorothy Drippynose
    • Objective: See what the hag's deal is
    • Location: Kazzin Forest, Bazen Lowlands
    • Level: 4-7
    • An ogre with a wig mentioned a hag residing in the Kazzin Forest. Similar wigs were found on corrupted nature spirits where some dark ritual is performed, so it's unlikely she is up to any good...
  • The Defense of Rainbow Reef
    • Objective: Help the sea elves protect the reef
    • Location: South Ocean
    • Level: 8+
    • Scouts report that the sahuagin are mobilizing. The sea elves are ready to defend their home alongside tritons and storm giants.
  • Lueltar Lost
    • Objective: Investigate the Lueltar Clan's disappearance
    • Location: Subterranea
    • Level: 14
    • Required characters: Alystin


  • Delve: Null Vault
    • Location: ???
    • Level: 9+
    • Rumors tell of great power confined in a strange dungeon deep in the Zymoran mountains. If it is real, in-game research will be needed to find a way to locate it.
  • Delve: Necromancer's Workshop
    • Location: Haunted Mines, Smokewhistle Mountains
    • Level: 10+
    • Intz Sliff was slain, but left behind a workshop deep within abandoned mines. It may hold several kinds of opportunities, but several kinds of risks as well...
  • Delve: Labyrinth Center
    • Location: Labyrinth, Subterranea
    • Level: 14+
    • The center of the Labyrinth has been reached. What awaits in the ruined city?


Rewards are sometimes offered to capture criminals or slay threatening monsters.
  • Chaos Hunt
    • Objective: Hunt the corrupted coautl in the Spiritroots
    • Location: Smokewhistle Mountains
    • Level: 10+
    • Required characters: Arkenciel
  • Explore: Forbidden Abyss
    • Objective: Confront the Voice of the Deep
    • Location: South Ocean
    • Level: 14+
    • The Voice of the Deep was seen eye-to-eye in the depths of the Forbidden Abyss. Psychic protection has proven mandatory in order to face the ancient being.
  • Hunt: Dalinax the Deranged
    • Location: The Colorless Hills
    • Level: 16+
    • Dalinax is a powerful red dragon that has menaced an entire region for decades. He needs to be put down for everyone's safety.

Pioneering Missions

The world of Archestria isn't fully mapped. These missions are opportunities to travel beyond the charted land. When planning a pioneering mission, it is a good idea to mention what you are hoping to find (e.g. ruins, monsters, dungeons, or natural wonders).
  • Seafaring: South Ocean
    • Starting location: Port Flizna
    • Level: 4+
    • Explore the endless waters of the South Ocean in search of new lands. When scheduling a mission out into the sea, you can optionally describe the type of crew you'd like to travel with (e.g. shady pirates, pompous nobles, a motley crew of adventure-seeking sailors, etc) as well as the nature of the ship.
  • Pioneering: Frozen wastes
    • Starting location: Vintra's Hearth, Zymora
    • Level: 8+
    • Icy lakes, snow-ridden mountains, and frozen ruins lie to the west beyond Zymora. Tales about the frozen wastes tell about white dragons, frost giants, forgotten ruins, and a frozen castle.

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