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2023-03-18 Delve: Sunken Fort


Player Characters

  • Wiznt
  • Balasar
  • Val & Soonie
  • Grey
  • Green



  • Starting in Umberton, the group traveled to the Sunken Fort.
  • They came upon an abandoned hags' camp. Hair rope fences supported by bone-crafted posts surrounded it. There were countless bones scattered about in the mud, and a signpost with a bone key hanging from a nail. The sign contained a warning scrawled by the former inhabitants. Balasar picked up the key.
  • The trapdoor to the roof of the fort, and the last visible piece of the structure, was in the center of the camp. The group cautiously climbed inside and down the ladder into a room containing a locked chest and a locked door crafted from bone and flesh.
  • The group knew they had limited time to search the fort before it would be swallowed up by the swamp completely.
  • Val picked the locked chest open, despite it being magically sealed to enhance the difficulty.
  • A final warning sign was on the door. The group ignored it and used the bone key to enter the hallway beyond.
  • The hallway beyond had many small rooms, former bunks for soldiers.
  • They entered a stinking room that the hags had fashioned into a garden. It contained rotten-smelling necromantic plants. Grey picked some plants, and suddenly a large flower in the room sprang to life to attack. The party defeated the corpse flower, a beholder zombie, and some bodaks.
  • Grey kept the dark flowers. Wiznt kept the rotted beholder eye.
  • The PCs explored the rest of the top floor, and found stairs leading down to the bottom floor.
  • Grey summoned a beholderkin. The beholderkin and Yogo explored one direction together, finding a dead end with a warm, brightly glowing yellow primal crystals cut in the shape of a rhombus.
  • The rest of the party traveled the other path, following the hag's footprints in the mud and grime. They found a room with a magically sealed door, a mannequin with certain removal parts, and a variety of other miscellaneous decorations: a basket with a price tag, a frozen patch, a grave, a stone apple statue, and a woolen cloud. They solved the idiom puzzle.
  • They entered the central chambers of the bottom floor and found a hole in the stone brick floor leading to a deep patch of mud. A portcullis blocked what was once the front entrance.
  • Exploring further, they found a dead end with a locked stone chest that had been left behind. Val picked it open, finding a sword hilt and 2000gp.
  • The sword hilt had a rhombus-shaped crevice. They put the crystal into it, sealing it in place and turning the magical hilt into a sunblade, a sword with an extendable blade made of bright sunlight. Green was able to attune to it instantly.
  • On their way out, angry elementals corrupted by the hags' magic climbed out of the mud pit and attacked the party.
  • After the fight, the party searched the mud pit, and found a small wooden chest. The box contained a fancy snakelike gold dragon statue, which Val determined was stolen from Solaki during the Bazen War.
  • Balasar's alarm spell warned that someone had approached the entrance to the fort. The group rushed to the top floor, staying out of sight, and prepared an action plan.
  • Grey's beholderkin floated up the trap door. Three hags immediately attacked it. The beholder barely survived, and struck back ferociously with its eye beams. At the same time, the rest of the party used dimension door to teleport to the surface, stepping out of the bag of holding and positioning around Green.
  • The coven of three hags unleashed blasts of cold that were heavily mitigated by Green's ancients aura. The party defeated the coven in a high-magic fight.
  • The party decided to keep the gold dragon statue for later, instead of selling it for 1000gp. They also donated the following potions to the apothecary for research: fire giant strength, flying, growth, animal friendship.

      "Forgotten light, ream of gold,
    Lost amond the darkest mold;
    Earthen cauldron, dank and slick,
    Fight your best and do be quick;
    Drowning giant, stone enclave,
    Flee before it marks your grave."

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