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  The largest city in the Smokewhistle Mountains (both the kingdom, and the mountains themselves) is Gallakor. The southern entrance to underground Smokewhistle leads to the city's front gates, and the main caves branch to the Obsidian and Rockhorse Mines. An underground river passes through Gallakor, supplying its citizens with water. Dwarf-made shafts are built into the ceilings, providing ventilation and a small amount of sunlight.
  Gallakor is a tiered city. It vaguely resembles an enormous staircase with buildings on the sides, and is divided into three major sections, each with a handful of ground levels. The topmost district, Haradome, is where the front gates and reception are. Customs offices meet with incoming visitors and inspect their goods for anything particularly dangerous. Haradome is also where wealthier and more luxurious shops and homes are located, as well as the Councilhouse. The middle district, Harnom, is home to most of the common folk of the city; it has houses, most shops, fungal farms, and entertainment (mostly pubs). The lowest district, Harzvolt, is a place of industry and wholesale business; materials from the nearby mines are shipped in for counting and sorting, and sold to companies and craftsfolk alike.
  Gallakor is run by a regency council of three members appointed by the queen. This council oversees the city's operations, business, and security.


  • Haradome District (Upper)
    • Front gates and customs
    • Gallakor Councilhouse
    • City watch barracks
    • Few wealthy homes
    • Goldhand Square: Luxury shops (jewelry, art, haverdashery, etc)
  • Harnom District (Middle)
    • Hammerfall Academy (martial school)
    • Margadin Temple (spirit shrine - order)
    • Wigdin's Hearth (inn)
    • Steambreath Steelworks (spirit forge)
    • Markets & shops (produce, wooden goods, weapons, armor, clothing)
    • Most homes
    • Fungal farms
    • Taverns
    • Workshops, forges
  • Harzvolt District (Lower)
    • The Coalpit (spirit shrine - trickery)
    • Markets (basic materials, metal, coal)
    • The Steamworks (city power plant)
    • Minecart depots



  • Councilman Ungber Coldstein
  • Councilwoman Gladys Sharpstick
  • Councilwoman Hakara
  • Lundgren (M dwarf merchant, wood transporter)
  • Dunnerg (M dwarf foreman of Obsidian Atrium)

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