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Ghaztyut citizen's journal



The Great Temple is nearly complete. The captive workers from the other states are really being driven hard; where I thought farming was hard work, their toil seems to have no payout and no end. I heard that one of them died of thirst while moving one of the big bricks, and when they collapsed, it crushed the foot of another worker, who was then forced to keep working. The thought of it makes me shudder.
  I thought Lord Phiramet was a great and wise person, but this doesn’t seem right. It’s harsh and cruel. The way it gets covered up seems dishonest, too- for instance, the s-word was banned from use in Ghaztiwoil. We have to call them “workers” instead; even writing the s-word here could get me into trouble.
  I also heard stories about Lord Phiramet finding people’s secrets by looking into their dreams. That kind of invasion of privacy is horrifying… the very idea of it has even wormed its way into my nightmares. It started a few days ago: I saw myself alone with the overlord in a dark room. They questioned me, prying into my thoughts, testing my loyalty to Ghaztiwoil. When I recall that feeling of vulnerability, it makes me writhe in discomfort.
  I hope the nightmares go away soon. I need to think about something else. Like getting to visit the Great Temple when it is all done.

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