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Haunted Realm Villager Journal 1



The migration has taken a year, and will take a few years more. King Orvald is a man of great confidence and knowledge, so I trust that he has a wise reason for relocating our people to this place. I must admit that the land itself unnerves me somewhat… it feels as though the spirits are weak and distant here, and nature itself seems muted. This valley has a sort of personality of its own; I often feel as though I am being watched by some malevolent entity. I flinched at the sound of a branch snapping the other day. Tales are circulating about hostile stubby phantasms near the mountainsides and the central mountain. I don’t much fancy the idea of being attacked while traveling within my own country, so if the rumors carry any truth, then I hope those specters will remain in the corners of the realm, or stay out of reach on the central mountain. Mount Orvald, I hear it will be called.
  King Orvald is a man of great confidence and knowledge. Perhaps one more than the other.

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