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Vibria is something between unclaimed territory and a true nation. The confluence of natural wonders and wild magic has created a number of minor deities with regional spheres of influence, and their fickle temperaments make permanent settlements difficult to establish; for this reason, Vibria is a loose association of mostly nomadic tribes. There is a sort of unofficial meeting of the tribes every six years at a summit called Pwylhosh, where representatives of each tribes gather to discuss the state of the peninsula and resolve disputes between tribes. Because its only real border is with Escher, Vibrian tribes don't trade much with the outside world, although they do play host to the occasional Escherian explorer.   Although Vibrians do worship the Seven, they major gods feel more abstract to them than most, and they're considered essentially on equal footing to the minor deities inhabiting Vibria, who often have a more tangible impact on Vibrians' lives. Worship is often considered in a more transactional sense in Vibria than in other nations; it may be payment to cross a demigod's stretch of river or a way to get into a god's good graces while one is staying nearby. Many tribes also have a sort of patron god or gods to watch over them; sometimes one of the Seven, sometimes one of Vibria's local gods.   Vibrian tribes often have unique and rich cultures, distinctive shelters and styles of clothing, and many use tattoos or piercings as a permanent tribal identifier (a tiefling tribe may dye their horns, for example). Some tribes only gain new members by birth, but many accept exiles and wanderers into their ranks. The distance travelled by Vibrian tribes often depends on the local gods; some enjoy humanoid company and allow tribes to stay for long periods of time; others make the land itself hostile to short- or long-term settlement.    


  • Vibria
Pronunciation guide - Most Vibrian tribal and place names are written phonetically. The vowels make these sounds:
  • "a" - ah
  • "e" - eh
  • "i" - ih
  • "o" - oh
  • "u" - oo
  • "y" - iy
  • "w" - uh

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