Esterson Hall D.M. Guide

An Episodic Campaign

Campaign Summary

Guild Episodic Structure

The campaign takes on a guild episodic structure. The routine is very easy to follow. Before the start of a session, the adventurers choose an adventure that sounds appealing. At the session start, the party is briefed by Remus and Welma, or perhaps by a special guest instead, that gives broad details on what to prepare for.

The party then takes on the adventure, which the debriefing won't always mention a likely hiccup along the way. Returning to their guild hall is typically when inner-party developments occur, or N.P.C.'s have scenes that go down.


The adventure revolves around the characters as members of a revitalized Esterson Hall. Remus Starner and Welma Reedacre strike up the job as guildmasters after two years, wanting to get back into the gig. As the new party they have assembled starts gaining notoriety and fame, it attracts the attention of darker forces as the party meddles in their affairs.

Esterson Hall Details

Esterson Hall is owned and operated by Remus Starner and Welma Reedacre.

Remus Starner

Remus is an old human male, a veteran with the Auxiliary which is the spare army of Cassius to move around and aid the other provinces. He has fought a great deal of monsters, corrupted forces, and a small handful of vicians. His aging body meant stepping down at the rank of Captain. He may have retired but it's only slowed him down a bit.

He and Welma met at a promotion ceremony of someone becoming the rank of general. They both expressed an interest in wanting to continue helping the Kingdom so they thought starting up Esterson Hall would make for a great way to do so. He knew of an old building called Esterson Hall the Auxiliary used to use but it's little size couldn't accommodate the growing troop numbers.

Within the Hall, Remus uses his connections within the Auxiliary and armed forces of other provinces to get information. He can also get access to armaments and any materials for adventurers to be successful.

Welma Reedacre

Welma is a halfling woman who was a courtier among Ardentian nobility. She always had an ear for gossip and listening out for the latest trends. That is, of course, the prettier side of being amongst nobility. With her experience, caels can only do so much to keep things clean. That is why she recruited a blether helper named Festus to do the dirty work and be her personal aid.

Her prime days slowly began to falter as old friends left the courts of nobility, whether to live the quiet life or the few that were forcibly removed by scandal or imprisonment. She needed to do something before leaving the courts officially. It's when she attended the promotion ceremony did she meet Remus Starner. The two wanted to provide for the Kingdom through helpful services and founded Esterson Hall.

Within the Hall, Welma's connections aren't limited to just Cassian courts, but also the entirety of the Kingdom. This means access to gossip, rumors, and possible patrons among Dukes and Duchesses, possibly even within the monarch's circle. Festus, her personal aid, also acts as the Hall's custodian.

Iconic Antagonists

Vicarion does not have to be the main antagonist. There are plenty of other dark forces within the Western Wastes, or even within the Kingdom itself.

Vicarion, Vician of Sidresk

Vicarion started out as an aspiring devotee to Irator. Power hungry, he has led victories against Ardentian outposts that are outside the Kingdom’s borders. Uninterested as a forever lackey to his master, he struck out on his own accord. He sought out a plan of conquest over Kalgarim, keeping his lair deep within the mountainous border. Though, when the Savvy Strays began hindering his plans, it made it all the more difficult to gain renown.

After Evantil’s death, the Savvy Strays eventually disbanded after bickering amongst themselves too much to function. Vicarion used this time when they disbanded to carefully coordinate a plan of attack against the stouts and elves after accumulating a few more allies. Now, he pursues becoming Champion of the Bleak.


A vician mystic obsessed with fates and fortunes. He is the advisor of Vicarion's army. Gavaln is his apprentice but the stubborn novice has spent too much time communing with spirits, hearing the woes of the departed. The apprentice now questions his master's intentions.


Skralkal is a roden pack master. Vicarion chose him to lead the fight against the stouts. Skeething is a roden pack leader that serves under Skralkal.

Kaspar Albrecht

A sailor who became obsessed with the sea is now cursed with a strange water-based vampirism. He and his undead crew seek to plunder and gain notoriety around the coastal provinces.

Reaving, Wight Mastermind

Reaving is a cold and intelligent wight. He aspires to become the Champion for Sidresk as well but his lack of allies means having to play nice with the other cultists. For now, he must grow in power in hopes of freeing Sidresk and bringing a new age of terror for both Ardentry and the Cult.

House Felress

This matriarch seeks to undermine the University of Renaki as they try to explore ruins within the Carved Paths and dabble with any relics involved with it. By utilizing what could be found, Matriarch Felress could become Verita's champion.


Acts within the Campaign

Act 1: Cobwebs of Esterson Hall

The party is getting accustomed to the adventuring life. Overtime, they will stumble upon relics that are from a previous adventuring party.

Savvy Strays

The Savvy Strays were the previous adventuring party that resided in Esterson Hall. They were quite the family with Remus and Welma, as they were fantastic at what they did. It was the loss of Evantil that shook the party to the core. As the most wise and diplomatic member, it was easy for the group to start picking fights with each other as blame and finger-pointing went all around.

Savvy Stray Members

Savvy Stray Members


Bremigan is a dwarf who was a former guard over a halfling village in Kalgarim. Due to it being raided and destroyed, it left him wondering without a job. He was taken in by Welma who wanted to give him a chance of using his fighting prowess. He was the comedic relief of the group and never one to take things too seriously.


Emoru is an upbeat avian who comes from a carnival. She wanted to be the star of the show but was always depressed at being the filler. Remus and Evantil took her in, hoping to get her out of there and doing something far more productive with her talents. She was the positive and supportive member, always keen to look up to her fellow party members.


Evantil was the first member of the Strays. As a Halian elf, he took an interest in wizardry. His problem with it, however, became the slow and meticulous nature of how the school teaches there. He wanted to utilize his talents in the real world and to do so more frequently. He met up with Remus and Welma, agreeing to the proposition of the guild forming. Among the Strays, he was the counselor, eager to provide support or lead diplomacy talks in many of their quests.


Rosanna was a criminal in the City of Hearth. She hated the poor hand life had dealt her and seeing the pain she had spread to others only made it fester more. Remus offered the position in the guild to help give her a sense of redemption. Rosanna was the clever planner in the party. If she could rig a victory in her favor, she would often find a way.


Sen was a former scout in Haliah. He was discharged due to disobeying orders. He was tasked to look for the presence of Malevolence beyond the borders. He did find one demon and slayed it. Irritating his sergeant over the matter, namely his broken ego, he was dismissed. Remus took Sen in, believing his talents would be better served at leading Strays. he often got into rivalries with Rosanna, which Evantil had to ensure they never got out of hand.

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