Vicarious Attack on Direson

I wish we had met under better circumstances but I have been informed that there is the possibility of an attack on the Town of Direson. We have seen the approach of undead and roden from our scouts. Many of us worry that an attack is coming to the area.

I worry that the attack is aimed at our temple to Ornsen near the town. My advisors suggest it could be something else. That is why we meet at Count Dower’s estate to further coordinate a plan with the defenders.

— Duke Everard Wester


Vicarion’s Ambition

Elements to Vicarion’s path to power is aimed at destroying the luxian within the Ornsen temple just 30 minutes away on foot. It’s destruction would make it easier for him to target Cardinal Marnes when he aims to strike at Ridgewater.

Vicarion’s Strategy

Vicarion hopes to scare the Dulner leaders into spreading their forces equally to defend both the town and the temple. He sends his commanders to go after Direson and crush the forces there and then reinforce his attack onto the temple.

Leading the attack on the town are Reaving with an undead horde and Skralkal with his roden packs. Vicarion personally takes a troop to go after the temple.

Assembling in Dower Manor

Duke Everard Wester leads the conference among the defenders of the town.

Ardentian Council

Army of Dulnmoor

Martial Lenhall leads the army and proposes that defending Direson is the utmost importance considering that the Maledian army is present there. All focus should be there.


Onmet, Duke Wester’s guardian, leads the caels. She helps to provide support and believes both the town and temple should be priority. The lives of many mortals should not take precedent over a tool of caels.

Civil Guard

The Civil Guard focuses on keeping the people safe and far from the fighting with the help of the Revered.

Esterson Hall

Made up of the Dumb Luck Crew and Savvy Strays. Evantil and Sen believe it best to defend the town.

Governors of Dulnmoor

Duke Wester favors defending the temple while Count Dower favors defending the town.


The Revered Inquisition, led by Inquisitor General Tarnslow, favors that the temple be secured as the main priority.

Kalgarn Aid

Led by General Powzer, he believes that both the temple and town ought to be defended. To her,

Council in Session

Vicarion is coming for the temple while Reaving and Skralkal have a massive force coming for Direson. The table below determines the strength and how they’ll (mostly narratively) hold up.

Both the council and Vicarion have an overall strength pool of 100. They can divvy it out based on their values. Vicarion disperses Skralkal and Reaving (80 score) to attack Direson while Vicarion (20 score) handles the temple.

Direson Defenders
Defender Favors Strength Values
Lenhall Direson 60: 4 15’s
Esterson Hall Both 10: 2 5’s
Inquisition Temple 10: 5 2’s
Powzer Both 20: 5 4’s
Vicarion’s Offensive
Attacker Targeting Strength
Vicarion Temple 20
Reaving Direson 40
Skralkal Direson 40
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