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The Blood Drawer Kopprus (a.k.a. The Copper One, Copper Skin, The Fallen Metal God, Duwors Shame, Gelson's Slayer)

Divine Domains

War, Forging, Crafting

Holy Books & Codes

The Copper plates, The Duwor Holy Texts

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dagger, Copper Amulet, Copper Mirror, Copper Chain


Merit Day, The Burning Of the Marked.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To kill Gelson and lead his followers to commit suicide. His other goals include leading his followers to overthrow the Aumertia government.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kopprus is a god who looks like he may have once been handsome before years of battles wore him down. His body covered with scars he refuses to let heal as marks of his ability in combat. He appears as a powerful warrior from a tropical region.

Body Features

Kopprus is quite toned with small scars covering the whole of his body. He is missing his left ring finger from the knuckle down.

Facial Features

Kooprus has a square face covered in small scars. A flat nose and pointed lips that always seem to be in a smile. His face is quite muscular and sharp.

Identifying Characteristics

A scar covered face and body as well as a missing ring finger.

Special abilities

Combat Abilities

Kopprus has the ability to create bladed weapons from thin air. A second ability he was is to turn his skin to copper. He also has the Inability to feel pain.  

Passive Abilities

Kopprus can conduct electricity through his body. He can also sink into the ground at will. His third ability is he has is detecting any metal within 250 yards (228.6 meters) of him  

Godly Abilities

As a god he can grant the wish of anyone who makes a blood sacrifice to him. He can cast wish three times a day. Kopprus like all gods gains more power as the number of souls that worship him increases, number of prays received and souls sacrificed to him.

Apparel & Accessories

Kopprus has two major outfits he appears in. The first being his battle gear, In this form, he wears no helmet, he is wearing copper chainmail with copper plate armor on top for his chest piece, his pants are made from boiled leather. In his regal form, he is wearing Gameson armor adorn with copper jewelry.   Kopprus has three accessors he commonly has on his person, a copper dagger, A copper pendant engraved with "bloodshed is blood saved", and a vial of Gelsons blood.

Specialized Equipment

Kopprus specializes in sword fighting, boxing, and military strategy. This makes him a terrifying threat on the battlefield.

Mental characteristics



Accomplishments & Achievements

Killing Gelson before he became a god. Leading the duwor to victory in hundreds of wars.

Failures & Embarrassments

Causing Gelson to become a god. Being wound by Gelson in battle.

Morality & Philosophy

Kopprus is an utilitarian war hawk. Believing that growth can only happen through sacrifice and that the growth nation can happen by weed out weak and conquering those who refuse to submit.

Personality Characteristics


Once Kopprus was motivated to protect his people at any price but now all he seeks now is to return his to position and overthrow Gelson.

Likes & Dislikes


Copper Humanoid sacrifices Blades and other forms of weaponry  


Gelson and his desendents Peace treaties Lack of sacrifices

Virtues & Personality perks

Master of bladed weaponry Masterful Hunter Master Craftsman

Vices & Personality flaws

Hatred of Gelson Wrath Lust for bloodshed



Enemy (Vital)

Towards Gelson




Enemy (Vital)

Towards Kopprus



Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil formally Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
2684 8846 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A group of tribes men started worshiping a vain of copper their belief was powerful enough to produced a god.
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'4" (193.04) Varies
237 lbs (107.501 Kg)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Gelson's nothing more than a man thinking he's a god."   "Through sacrifice, we gods shall reward you."   "Death is nothing but the next chapter of the story you mortals call life. Thus you must not fear it but in brace it."
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, and Dwarven

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