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The primary faith of the Wyfling people. It is a monotheistic faith with the primary god Lycomir, believed to be the allfather of the Wyfling people. The followers of Lycism believe that there is an astral gate lying to the dangerous and unknown south which may lead them to the plane of the gods where Lycomir dwells. It is eerily similar to the ideas of Valthism , which state that their Valathar cut down an ethereal tree to merge the planes. Followers of Lycism believe that other gods may exist, however, they believe that Lycomir is the strongest of them and they are merely his subordinates. They believe he is the strongest because he represents the most powerful race.   Rather than researching possible sailing technology, followers of Lycism believe in a prophecy written upon a runestone on the island of Imos. Written in Aksi, it states that one day a great period of ice will cover the entire world. The weakest people among all the races will die, and only those who are powerful enough will be tested in their ability to survive. Those who do survive will be deemed worthy to share the world with Lycomir and gaze upon his glory. The seas will freeze over and allow the Wylfling people to travel freely and eventually open the astral gates, allowing him through.


Lycism is not a very centralized religion. Most villages have a seer that holds religious ceremonies. In smaller villages, this might be as simple as a hide tent, in larger villages it might be a wooden church. There are only two stone temples of the Lycism faith. They are considered very holy places of learning, and Wylflings who wish to study the religion and become seers go to one of the two. The Grand Seer of each temple has a lot of power over the temple, however they are not considered voices for the religion as a whole (though greatly respected). The largest temple is built in Farske, the capital city of Askar. It is protected by the government. The second one is located on the island of Imos. Though it is independent of the country of Askar, it is funded by the government. Local Nordroth mages protect it as well.

Public Agenda

There is no desire to spread the faith. In fact, almost all Wylflings follow it aside from a small nonreligious population. There is no desire to spread the faith to other races as well.



Kaent Lycomir

Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members
Related Myths

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