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Mycelium Silk


Material Characteristics

This material has a silk like smoothness and cool to the touch. It is slightly stretchable and very flexible.

Physical & Chemical Properties

This material is more flammable than wool or cotton but in turn it can repeal water. Thus making it useful for water-proofing. This material is also lightweight making it great for gliders, balloons and clothing. It is much easier to rip then tradition material of leather, wool, and cotton. The final important property is it's air-tight thus it can be filled with hot gases.

Origin & Source

This material is made from the mycelium of the Lumlux mushrooms. It is produced and trade by the dwarves who grow varies species of Lumlux mushrooms. It is produced by washing then drying the mycelium fibers. The next step is weaving the strands to together using a specialized loom.

History & Usage


It was discovered by the dwarves after years of growing Lumlux in the year 7023, In the era of The Rise of Nations.

Everyday use

The most common uses are fine clothing, airship balloons, rope, and fine bedsheets.

Reusability & Recycling

The material can easily washed if used and resewn if damaged making it every reusable.


Trade & Market

Delgolir and Kangolir trade this material to Aumertia , Pendel and Aston.

Law & Regulation

In Aemertia only those whose network is over 5PPs and or is part of the nobility may wear silks. Breaking this law is punishable by prison time, branding, and fine.
1d4+10 GPs and 1d8 SPs or an average of 12 GPs and 4 SPs
The silk can be dyed any colour but naturally is slivery white. The most common dyed colors are crimson, pure white, black, ocean blue, mint green. The most expensive colors are perwinkle, lavander, royal purple.
3.75 mg/cm^2
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