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Must be at the highest level of being a blood hunter - a blood controller. This means that the sanguine must be able to control the amount of blood they must sacrifice before using any powers. When the current Sanguine dies, all who fit that qualification are put on a ballot. Usually, there are only 2-8 who have survived the job long enough to become that powerful.


They are voted on in an open democratic fashion, all blood hunters can cast their vote to the nearest branch with a seal of their own blood. Typically, the one with the most renown wins the election.


Spend money in the treasury responsibly, control the actions of the largest branch which is located in Aston, decide if the members will go on the most dangerous contracts (ones that require 100+ hunters)

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Grand Bloodmasters and Bloodmasters can decide to hold a vote to dismiss the current Sanguine if it is decided they have done something traitorous. Then, all hunters vote on it in a similar fashion.
Source of Authority
The members of The Dawn Circle
Length of Term
'Till death
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