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The Dawn Circle

The Dawn Circle is a massive order of blood hunters with various sub-branches scattered throughout the known world such as the Order of the Ghostslayer, Lycan, Mutant, and Profane Soul. The primary goal of the order is to protect the world from otherworldly evils, whether these be undead, fiends, monstrosities, or others. Through the use of blood magic, they sacrifice their own life essence and bind themselves to evil in order to destroy evil.
  Within the order, most major races are accepted. Most religions are accepted as well unless the diety is deemed to be evil (decided by the Sanguine).


1. Sanguine - Leader of the entire Dawn Circle
2. Grand Bloodmaster- Leaders of major branches
3. Bloodmaster- Leads a minor branch
5. Hunter- The standard blood hunter
6. Hunter Initiate- Someone in training, hasn't been fully initiated yet.
  Some may notice the lack of major leaders between the blood master and hunter. Due to the independent nature of the blood hunters, they usually work alone when on jobs on if not usually in small groups of 2-3. They are given very free reign over what they do but usually answer to a blood master or above for major contracts, which are always the deadliest.


Believe strongly in independence and freedom, but at the same time self-sacrifice for the benefit of others.

Public Agenda

To kill all otherworldly entities which threaten mankind- sometimes purely for good, but throwing money their way will make sure the job gets done properly and with expediency.


An estimated 32,000 blood hunters scattered throughout the known world. Although their numbers are immense, they tend to operate alone and rarely all come together except in times of great crises.
  An estimated 3,500,000 PP in the treasury.


Considering that the Dawn Circle is one of the largest orders currently in existence, it is unsurprising that it came to exist over a thousand years ago. It originated in Aston, likely due to the lack of external military threats, but plenty of monsters threatening the peace. The first of the order discovered that by binding themselves to the same evil creatures they wished to destroy, it would grant them additional powers when fighting the creatures of the dark. Thus, Blood Magic was created. Initially, the kings and queens of Aston accepted the blood magic because the Dawn Circle was the most successful at keeping the peace, and Aston still experiences great prosperity due to them today. But when blood hunters began to branch out and fight evils in other lands, they were often looked down upon and seen no better than the evils they vowed to destroy. Since the creation 1000 years ago, The Dawn Circle has branched out but the headquarters still remains in Aston. They are only accepted in several nations outside of Aston, but nonetheless do what has to be done regardless of that fact.

For The Innocent We Sacrifice

Founding Date
10503 Universal or 970 E.T.
Military Order
Leader Title
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