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The Brotherhood of the Stone Tear

The Brotherhood is well-known for hunt monsters of all kinds, including those in human form. Fear them both if you are monster or not for they see anyone against as monster. Those who support them however receive money for schools, farms, and military protection. Thus is you cross path with them prepare to fight or join them otherwise your death is assured.


The Organizational Structure and Positions named have not been changed since the creation of the brotherhood. The requirements for each teir however, have changed.   Lord of the Stone Tear: This title is the highest ranking within the organization and is similar to the king of the organization as once elected it is life long. They have the ability to veto rules, meetings and quests set up by the council. But the council can over turn the veto by unanimous vote. They also can use the abilities of other council members. However, if dispute a rise between the Lord of the Stone Tear and council members whose power he is using the Lord of Law settles it.   The Council: Is the next highest set of titles. These titles gain the ability to create rules, meetings, and quests for the organization. They also elect Lord of the Stone Tear once the former one is dead or assumed to be dead. Members of the council are Lord of the Blade, Lord of the Bow, Lord of the Divine, Lord of Law, Lord of the Arcane, Lord Slayer, and Lord of Song.   Lord of The Blade: This title is bestowed to the most powerful primary Melee fighter in the Brotherhood. They are responsible for the military training of the Brotherhood.   Lord of the Bow: This title is bestowed to the archer who is at minimum 90% accurate at the farthest distance. The holder of this title is responsible for the training of the archer for the Brotherhood.   Lord of The Divine: The eldest priest who has served a minimum of ten years in the Brotherhood receives this title. They hold the ability to hold religious events, Cleans the souls of other console members, and decide what an imprisoned monster gets what punishment. Punishments can include, imprisonment, torture, binding of their soul, execution and enslavement.   Lord of Law: This role is given the to a student of the law normally an apprentice of the previous Lord of law. The main duties of the Lord of the Laws is to, outline the crimes monsters have committed, hold trials, be an ambassador to countries, and arbitrate disputes within the Brotherhood.   Lord of the Arcane: This role is given to the most knowledgeable student of the arcane arts upon the form Lords death. Their primary function is to create new spell, hold ancient rituals, and carry out the bindings and enslavement of high power imprisoned monsters.   Lord Slayer: This Lordship is given to any member with the highest number of slain monsters at end of year. However, they do not take office until two months into the new year. They're a general within the armies, primary executioner, a key figure in creation of military companies.   Lord of Song: The Lord of song is odd as this title is given to The Lord of The Stone Tears favorite bard. Their duty is to create parties, take care of all food and drink, and ensure good moral.   Apprentice: Bellow the council is each council member apprentices who have similar abilities to members just to a lesser degree.   Journeymen: is the lowest rank. It is a simple a test period to see which branch of the brotherhood one belongs in if at all. This period last between three and six months.   Brother: This is the largest part of the brotherhood and are the general works, soldiers, and fodder of the organization.

Public Agenda

The goal of the brotherhood is to protect Humanoids from monster of all kinds.


3,000 Highly Trained soldiers   2,000 Priests   2,500 Archers   1,500 Men of Law   An estimated 10,000,000 PP.


The upper levels tend to be part of the Cult of The Stone Tear but lower ranking people are free to worship as they see fit.

Mythology & Lore

The Brotherhood believes that the stone tear an artifact that can seal any monster within a stone pillar is gift from the gods that live upon the holy mountain. The legend states that their founder Hildent Moundborn received the tear by moving the gods to tears by telling the story of how his wife was killed by monsters.

Tenets of Faith

One must do whatever in their ability to kill any monster they see before them.   One must obey the Lords for they are gods among men.   One must hold their honor no matter the cost.   One must keep secret their true name.   Lastly all must protect The Stone Tear.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests are able to bind monsters, enslave them as well a cleanse the soul of their followers.

Through our blood shed others will be saved

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The First Hunters
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Legislative Body
The Council creates all laws and rules as well penalties for breaking them.
Judicial Body
The Lord of Laws acts as judge with men of law acting as lower ranking judges and lawyers.
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