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The Khazdulian Invasion of Sarton

The Conflict


Khazdul and Sarton have had bad relations for as long as both nations can remember. Khazdulian raids frequently plagued the north-western section of the Sarton, burning fields, pillaging villages, and killing all in sight. In 122 G.L., various forts were erected on Sarton's western border to defend it. It was not taken lightly by their goblin neighbors, who had their flow of treasure diminished. The tribes prepared for war, hoping to destroy the border fortresses with their combined numbers and weaken Sarton for future raiding.


The Khazdulian surprise attack gave them an immediate advantage. Although most of Sarton's forces are centered on the Western border, it took almost a full year to completely mobilize the army.


Primarily the open plains of Sarton, but in the final year, fighting took place in the hills of Khazdul.

The Engagement

The very first battle to take place in the war is known as the Last Stand of Ravenwatch. A short story of the battle, called "The Plight of Ravenwatch", follows the Sartonian hero Finan Rayner and his sacrifice in the battle. A gunslinger battalion defended the fortress, only 50 men (As well as four apprentices), but elite soldiers nonetheless. A scouting party of six was ambushed early that morning, diminishing the numbers even further. With the enemy army on the horizon, one of the apprentices, Arwin Silverhand, was sent to go alert the nearest town of the imminent invasion. Realizing that the goblin riders would not let him escape with the message, Finan left the castle to cover his retreat, knowing that it would lead to certain death. Arwin is the only survivor of the battle and his account of the beginning is the only valid source from Sarton's perspective. One thing that is known, however, is that 46 gunslingers defended the fort with only 800 rounds of ammunition. And that the next week, a scouting party counted 46 dead gunslingers and over 800 dead goblins.   The next major event of the war was the sacking of Alverton, a major Sartonian city. It is one of the most violent and gruesome parts of the war, where goblins raided the city killing all humans in sight, including civilians. However, they got greedy and stayed in the city for several weeks to loot it. It gave the Sartonians a chance to land a devastating blow, though taking significant casualties themselves.   After the sacking of Alverton, the Sartonians pushed the goblin army out of their land. A few minor skirmishes occurred. But when faced with the danger of fighting a guerilla war in the hills of Khazdul, the king decided to cut his losses and signed a white peace.


Thousands of civilians were killed, and hundreds of houses and farms burned.


Sarton lost a major stronghold and a significant amount of troops. But Khazdul was injured greatly as well, and the tribes never even left the country to raid again for the next 10 years.

Historical Significance

In Literature

"The Plight of Ravenwatch", based on accounts of the battle by Arwin Silverhand.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
124 G.L.
Ending Date
127 G.L.
Conflict Result
A white peace was signed, no territorial or monetary concessions were made by either side.




At the start of the war: 800 Hobgoblin Spearmen, 2,000 Goblin men at arms, 400 riders (Goblin and hobgoblin), 200 Hobgoblin longbowmen Total: 3,400 troops Numbers were bolstered by other tribes as the war dragged on.
Initially: About 500 Sartonian gunslingers, 13 cannons (Crews of 10), 25 Garothi mercenaries Total: 655


An estimated 2,000 - 3,000 dead and wounded, 300 captured (Most of which were either executed or sold into slavery to nearby nations).
82 gunslingers dead, 4 cannons seized and crews killed, 10 Garothi mercenaries slain Total: 132 (military casualties) 10,000 - 12,000 civilians killed


Destroy the border fortresses and nearby cities to cripple Sarton.
Defend their lands and get revenge.

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