
Arcturus is a galaxy comprising some 140 billion stars. It is ellipsoidal in shape, with a Hubble classification of E5 and a length of 150,000 light-years along its major axis (its semidiameter along said axis being 75,000 ly).

Galactic Regions

The galaxy is commonly divided into two regions: the inner spheroid and the outer shell.

Inner Spheroid

The inner spheroid is the central region with dimensions equal to about a quarter of the whole galaxy's (32,500 light-years along major axis), containing about 100 billion stars. In the current age, the inner spheroid is dominated by the Unison Network, a federation of peoples and planets cooperating to stave off the oppressive erosion of entropy.

Outer Shell

The outer shell comprises everything else. The Network is not nearly as present here, so many Network-conjoined Arcturians see it as the frontier, though it features no dearth of intelligent societies among its approximately 40 billion stars. Eigenvector convoys tend to call this region home, and the separatist group Nullspace has a particularly strong grip in certain outer shell sectors.

Galactic Sectors

Arcturus can be further divided into 16 sectors, from sector 1[A,i] to sector 4[B,o]. In this examples, "1" refers to the posterior right Cartesian quadrant of the galaxy. (Of course, these directions are arbitrary in the vacuum of space, but serve as helpful conventions to orient onself.) "2" would be anterior right, "3" anterior left, and "4" posterior left. An "A" indicates a location is in the superior ("above") position relative to the inferior "B" ("below") positions. And finally, "i" and "o" refer to the aforementioned inner spheroid and outer shell, respectively.

Taking the above examples given, sector 1[A,i] is the inner, superior, posterior right 16th of Arcturus. Sector 4[B,o] is the outer, inferior, posterior left.

I hope this was horrible and confusing.



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