
To each their own direction

Eigenvector is a loosely tied league of Arcturians intent on remaining separate from the Unison Network. They are nomadic by necessity, always on the move so they can avoid the swift reach of Network expansion. Eigenvector has by far the most presence in the galaxy's outer shell, but weaving in and out of Network territory is not unheard of despite the perceived risks.

Most people in Eigenvector live as members of a convoy, a group of starships (or, more rarely, space stations) that travels together and functions as a residential zone. Convoy populations can range from a few thousand, resembling a small town, to tens of millions, functioning as a spaceborn metropolis.

Most convoys choose to fund their operations by shipping goods or materials from world to world, stocking up on supplies and repairs when they land or dock. Some operate as a kind of mobile guild, vetting members by their expertise in a specific trade in order to build up a reputation for themselves. Yet others still risk drawing attention to themselves by becoming a tourist destination, an interstellar megacruise, or a sought-after venue for gatherings and events.

Illicit, Rebel
Notable Members


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