Conjugate of Polymorphic Singularity

Aloof Algae

The Conjugate of Polymorphic Singularity is a collective of intelligent algae that has organized itself into structural units that emulate a typical society of multicellular organisms. Individual units are refered to simply as "conjugates," and maintain their own personal memories and experiences. Inwardly, however, they still view themselves as separated parts of a whole consciousness, as combination with other individuals would indeed result in a shared single consciousness with all the knowledge and memories of each constituent.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Intelligence and Constitution each increase by 1.

Age. Your species ages much slower than humans do, reaching maturity around 30 years and living to be over 500 in extreme cases.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Modular Mindframe Token and Widespread Proper.

Size. You are the size of a bulky humanoid, making you Medium size.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Dispersed Physiology. You cannot permanently lose a full limb, as your ability to manipulate objects comes from a system of tendrils that tend to regenerate over time. Additionally, your head cannot be targeted in attacks of any kind, as your brain is distributed throughout your body.

Colonial Organism. Your whole species is a single colonial organism split apart into units that resemble individuals; thus, you can exchange collections of your cells with other units to trade Proficiencies with them.

Photosynthesis. Whenever you use Hit Dice to recover Hit Points, so long as you have access to direct sunlight, you may replace your lowest rolled die value with that die's maximum roll.

Prefers the Damp. You suffer disadvantage on tool use skill rolls when not in a wet or humid environment. If you have a starship, you likely keep the ship or at least the cockpit set to these conditions.

Semi-Aquatic. You can breathe underwater.

Unfazed. You are proficient in one of the following saves: Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom.

Well Educated. You are proficient in an Intelligence skill of your choice.

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