
Honorable Fungus

The Dunkelung are an intelligent fungoid species hailing from the harsh jungles and rainforests of Halbradius. They are the galaxy's most recent people to conjoin with the Unison Network, and are only just finalizing the beaurocratic process.


Interspecial Perceptions


Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom and Constitution scores each increase by 2.

Age. Your species ages much slower than humans do, reaching maturity around 30 galactic years and living to be over 500 in extreme cases.

Dispersed Physiology. You cannot permanently lose a full limb, as your ability to manipulate objects comes rom a system of tendrils that tend to regenerate over time. Aditionally, your head cannot be targeted by attacks of any kind as your brain is distributed throughout your body.

Iron Constitution. You can eat nearly any organic substance, and have resistance to poison damage.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Dunkelächzen and Widespread Proper.

Mycotoxins. When a creature successfully strikes you with an unarmed attack or engages you in a grapple, they take 1 point of poison damage for each point of damage they inflict. Your own unarmed attacks may deal poison damage (rather than bludgeoning) if you strike with an exposed part of your body.

Names. Dunkelung have first names only, which are usually one or two syllables. Dunkelung parents typically just make up new names for their offspring. (Tach, Bohm, Finkl, Knekzi, Yeflin, Pipfe, Lentr, Elge, Wux, Trotz)

Oath Bound. Your culture reveres Vengeance as an ethical guide. So long as you continue to uphold your ethical code, you have the support of other members of your culture nad may call upon them for help once per game session if you are in an area they inhabit. In most cases, this assistance takes the form of a place to stay for the night and a few meals, along with a bit of useful information.

  1. Fight the greater evil: Faced with a choice of fighting my sworn foes or combating a lesser evil, I choose the greater evil.
  2. No mercy for the wicked: Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my sworn enemies do not.
  3. By any means necessary: My qualms can't get in the way of exterminating my foes.
  4. Restitution: If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed by their misdeeds.

Saprophyte. You may consume energy from a recently killed creature of medium size or larger. Doing so takes an action and requires that you touch the creature's corpse. This counts as a short rest for you but may only be done once between each long rest.

Size. You are the shape of a bulky humanoid, making you Medium size.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Water Adapted. You have a swimming speed of 20 feet. You breathe underwater as normal.

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