
Before the emergence of the Network, the spacefaring peoples who lasted the longest were those who roamed Arcturus silently. Aware that contact with aliens was equally likely to wipe them out as to usher in a golden age, these races concluded that the only way to be absolutely sure they did not become prey was to become predator. They likened the galaxy to a dark forest—a quiet, dangerous place, filled only with the occasional unsuspecting victim and countless other silent hunters like themselves.

By the time the Network was established enough to be commonly known throughout the inner spheroid, many lesser developed races took the leap of faith and connected themselves to the benevolent titan. But a good portion remained unconvinced, and continued down their genocidal path undetected.

This latter group came to be referred to as “foresters,” and while not a true faction (rather a myriad of isolated groups with the same idea), many Arcturians regard them as such. Still, in the 157th millennium, forester civilizations are occasionally encountered, much to the chagrin of those encountering them. Though underestimated by some, foresters have proven to be surprisingly deadly even in such an interconnected Arcturus as that of the present day.


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