S1E1: Lunar Discovery

General Summary

The plantoid pilot Black Lotus Tree ("BLT") strides through a warm, saffron-colored hallway into the office of Som Frendell. Seated inside already are Claw Ford, a crustaceous fellow fiddling with a pair of handguns, and Detective Krow, an avian man patiently reading the news on a personal digital assistant.

Som enters, a towering Adé Biius with a genial manner. He briefs the group on the nature of the work, provides breathing equipment and mining lasers, and introduces a member of his staff, who will accompany them—a Series 104 Protection Unit, Garrison.

After final queries are satisfied, the contractors collect the advance portion of their pay, exit to the shuttle hangar and pile into one of the small vessels that will transport them to the surface of the moon below.

Report Date
20 Jun 2020
Primary Location


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