Adé Biia

Sly Arachnoid

The Adé Biia are an arachnoid species who can be found nearly anywhere in Arcturus owing to their penchant for exploration. They were one of the original five peoples to form the modern day Unison Network.


Interspecial Perceptions

Prejudice against the Adé Biia is not unheard of even within the Network. Carnivorous stealth hunters on one hand, skittish and conflict avoidant on the other, the Adé Biia give some onlookers the uneasy impression of being both predator and prey at once.

Additionally, while not antisocial, Adé Biia hold social norms that permit minor acts of deception and manipulation, and the average Adé Biius will not feel any great sense of betrayal when on the receiving end of this. Thus, when outsiders are inevitably exposed to this aspect of their culture, it often rubs them wrong.

If these things weren't enough, the Adé Biia also carry the legacy of being the Network's original "devil's advocates." At the time of the Network's formation, they developed a reputation for speaking out against proposed policies their counterparts tended to agree on, and and in doing so helped instill the value of preserving diverse cultures as they exist rather than homogenizing them. Particularly in the eyes of the other Originals, this reputation has stuck with them even now, and they are known as a contrarian people who aren't easily influenced.

Attitudes and Values

Adé Biian culture glorifies self-preservation, individualism, and curiosity. The people who are admired in Adé Biian societiy are those who can leave that society and strike it out on their own, pursuing their own niche in the wide galaxy. Those who travel to the farthest edges of civilized space are even more impressive, as they have the guts to be truest to themselves despite the difficulty this brings them.

These ideals may not seem compatible with a people happily conjoined with the Network, let alone one who would co-found such a group. But the connectedness the Network offers is key, as it offers an unprecedented degree of access to most of the galaxy, which appeals to their desire to learn and explore. This is why most Adé Biia do not choose to flee Network territory, but rather to disperse themselves among the conjoined stars.

Lastly, Adé Biian social norms do feature a pronounced condonement of minor acts of subterfuge, as mentioned above. Perhaps a logical conclusion starting from the values of self-preservation and individualism is to forgive deceit when used as a means to one's personal ends. Adé Biia are rarely outright aggressive or confrontational, and they even avoid harming others just as any social creature would. But they don't tend to view manipulation or deception as inherently wrong.

Societal Structure



Ability Score Improvement. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.

Age. Your species ages slightly faster than humans do, reaching maturity around 15 years and living to be 60-70 at the oldest.

Body Armor. You cannot wear armor, but you have a natural, chitinous covering that protects you. This confers an AC of 12 + your Dexterity modifier.

Extra Limbs. You may take two bonus actions during your turn rather than one, so long as they are different actions coming from different sources.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Onj Gon, Widespread Proper, and one additional language of your choice.

Names. Adé Biian first names seem to favor the letters M, N and O, while use of the letter S is rare. Names are occasionally one syllable, but tend to be two or three, making frequent use of adjacent consonants. (Tramah, Egvar, Som, Tojménni, Drakvol, Mūd, Tondil, Goldrivok)

Broodnames serve as last names. They are invented and designated by the mother of a brood, a group of hatchlings from the same egg sac. This can confuse foreigners, as it means not only that Adé Biius siblings may have differing last names, but also that parent and child always do.

Secret Language. Besides their normal spoken and written language, your species has a secret way of communicating through the movement of their pedipalps. Few outside of your species can penetrate this obscure form of communication.

Shadow Culture. You are proficient in your choice of the Deception, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth skill.

Size. You are the shape of a bulky humanoid, making you Medium size.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet. You have a climbing speed of 30 feet.

Spinneret. You may produce webbing material from your body that grants you advantage to your Grapple attacks.

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